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Warak Ngendog: Simbol Akulturasi Budaya pada Karya Seni Rupa



Warak Ngendog, a mascot of Semarang City in Dugderan ritual tradition, is a symbolically laden cultural creativity. This research aims to study visual artwork of a mascot as a symbol of cultural accuturation through intra-aesthetic and extra-aesthetic analysis. The result of the research showed that, from intra-aesthetic aspect, the actualization of Warak Ngendog as Dugderan mascot presents fictional four-legged animal which were enigmatic, unique, exotic, and expressive. In addition, from extra-aesthetic aspects, the mascot symbolically mirrors Javanese, Arabic, and Chinese cultural acculturation reflecting educational messages of Islamic morals and invitation for harmony in a multicultural society. Creating systemic interaction between ulama, government, society, Dugderan ritual and its mascot plays important roles as a model for developing harmony and cultural integrity.© 2013 Universitas Negeri Semarang
机译:Warak Ngendog是三宝垄(Dugderan)的一种传统吉祥物,是一种象征性的文化创造力。这项研究旨在通过内部美学和外部美学分析研究吉祥物的视觉艺术品,以此作为文化积淀的象征。研究结果表明,从美学方面来看,Warak Ngendog成为Dugderan吉祥物的实现呈现出一种虚构的,独特的,奇异的和富有表现力的虚构的四足动物。此外,从美学以外的角度来看,吉祥物还象征着爪哇,阿拉伯和中国的文化适应,反映了伊斯兰教义的教育信息和多元文化社会的和谐邀请。在乌拉马,政府,社会,Dugderan仪式及其吉祥物之间建立系统的互动,在发展和谐与文化诚信方面发挥着重要作用。©2013 Universitas Negeri Semarang



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