首页> 外文OA文献 >Morphometric and gonad maturity in the spider crab 'Maja brahcydactyla'. Acomparison of methods for the estimation of the size at maturity in species with determinate growth

Morphometric and gonad maturity in the spider crab 'Maja brahcydactyla'. Acomparison of methods for the estimation of the size at maturity in species with determinate growth

机译:蜘蛛蟹“ Maja brahcydactyla”的形态和性腺成熟度。一个确定生长物种的成熟度估算方法的比较



Ontogenetic changes in the relative growth of males and females of the spider crabMaja brachydactyla, a species with terminal moult and determinate growth, wereanalyzed and related to their reproductive (maturity) status. Sampling was carried out inthe Ría de A Coruña (NW Spain) from December 1997 to November 1999. Acombination of principal component analysis of morphometric variables, nonhierarchicalK-means cluster and discriminant analysis allowed to differentiate twomorphometric groups of males defined as juvenile and adult phases and developstatistical methods to assign maturity status to individual crabs. A significant change inallometry of cheliped size was detected in juvenile males with a breakpoint at 96.2 mmcarapace length (CL), separating the inmature and adolescent phases. Histologicalanalysis of males showed that more than 60% of morphometrically juveniles and 100%of morphometrically adults presented spermatophores in the gonad. Size at gonadmaturity in males (estimated as CL50) was 96.2 mm CL. Size at morphometric maturitywas estimated comparing two methodologies: the size at 50% maturity (CL50) and themedian size of adult cohorts. For the whole sampling period, two adult-year classes,CL50 was estimated to be 136.5 mm for males and 130.3 mm for females, while mediansize of adult cohorts for the same period was estimated to be 139.9 mm for males and148.7 mm for females. In all cases the size at maturity obtained from the median of thecohort was greater than the one resulting from the CL50 method with differences of over20 mm, showing the bias that methods based in CL50 could cause in animals withdeterminate growth. Due the spatial segregation of adults and juveniles and the availability of morphological and morphometrical methods to estimate the maturitystatus of any crab, we propose a combination of spatial closures and direct protection ofjuvenile habitat as management strategies alternative to minimum landing sizes
机译:分析了蜘蛛蟹雄性和雌性相对生长的个体发育变化,Maja brachydactyla是一种具有最终蜕皮和决定性生长的物种,并与它们的生殖(成熟)状态相关。抽样于1997年12月至1999年11月在西班牙的拉亚·拉科鲁尼亚(RíaACoruña)进行。形态计量变量的主成分分析,非等级K均值聚类和判别分析相结合,可以区分男性的两个形态组,分别被定义为少年和成年阶段。开发统计方法为各个螃蟹指定成熟状态。在断点为96.2 mm甲壳长度(CL)的未成年男性中,检出了大小不均的显着变化,将未成熟阶段和青春期阶段分开。男性的组织学分析显示,超过60%的形态未成年幼虫和100%的形态未成年幼虫在性腺中存在精原细胞。男性性腺成熟时的大小(估计为CL50)为96.2 mm CL。比较两种方法估算了形态计量学成熟时的大小:成熟人群在50%成熟时的大小(CL50)和主位体大小。在整个抽样期间,分为两个成年年级,男性CL50估计为136.5毫米,女性为50.30毫米,而同期同期成人队列的中位数估计为男性为139.9毫米,女性为148.7毫米。在所有情况下,从队列中位数获得的成熟大小均大于CL50方法得出的结果,相差超过20毫米,这表明基于CL50的方法可能会导致动物生长不确定。由于成年和未成年人的空间隔离以及可利用形态学和形态计量学方法估算任何螃蟹成熟状态的方法,我们建议将空间封闭和直接保护未成年人栖息地结合起来作为替代最小登陆面积的管理策略



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