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Runaway electron studies in TEXTOR



The evolution of runaway electrons in disruptive plasmas in TEXTOR is determined by observing the synchrotron radiation (hard component E > 25 MeV) and by measuring the runway electrons with an energy of a few MeV using a scintillator probe. Disruptions are initiated by a massive argon gas injection performed by a fast valve. The observed runaway beam of the high energy component (synchrotron radiation) fills about half of the diameter of the original plasma. The beam is smooth and shows no indication of filamentation. The initial conditions are in all cases very similar. The temporal development of the runaway electrons, however, is different: one observes cases with and without subsequent mode excitation and other cases in which the hard runaway component survives the apparent end of the runaway plateau. Several methods are applied to remove the runaway electrons including massive gas injection from two additional valves of different sizes as well as external and internal ergodization by inducing a tearing mode. The mitigation is only marginally successful and it is clearly found that the runaways in disruptions are substantially more robust than runaways created in stationary, low density discharges.
机译:通过观察同步加速器辐射(硬组分E> 25 MeV)并通过使用闪烁探针以几MeV的能量测量跑道电子,可以确定TEXTOR中破坏性等离子体中失控电子的演化。中断是由快速阀执行的大量氩气注入引起的。观察到的高能成分(同步加速器辐射)的失控光束约占原始等离子体直径的一半。光束很光滑,没有丝状迹象。在所有情况下,初始条件都非常相似。然而,失控电子的时间发展是不同的:有人观察到有或没有随后的模式激发的情况,以及其他情况,其中硬质失控成分在失控平稳期的表观端幸免。应用了几种方法来去除失控的电子,包括从两个不同大小的附加阀中注入大量气体,以及通过引发撕裂模式进行内部和内部麦芽石化。缓解仅取得了一定程度的成功,并且清楚地发现,扰动中的失控要比固定的低密度放电中产生的失控具有更大的鲁棒性。



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