首页> 外文OA文献 >ACC/AHA/ACP-ASIM guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina11This document was approved by the American College of Cardiology Board of Trustees in March 1999, the American Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee in March 1999, and the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Board of Regents in February 1999.When citing this document, please use the following citation format: Gibbons RJ, Chatterjee K, Daley J, Douglas JS, Fihn SD, Gardin JM, Grunwald MA, Levy D, Lytle BW, O’Rourke RA, Schafer WP, Williams SV. ACC/AHA/ACP-ASIM guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina). J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;33:2092–197.This document is available on the World Wide Web sites of the American College of Cardiology (www.acc.org) and the American Heart Association (www.americanheart.org). Reprints of this document are available by calling 1-800-253-4636 or writing the American College of Cardiology, Educational Services, at 9111 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-1699. Ask for reprint number 71-0166. To obtain a reprint of the Executive Summary and Recommendations published in the June 1, 1999 issue of Circulation, ask for reprint number 71-0167. To purchase bulk reprints (specify version and reprint number): Up to 999 copies call 1-800-611-6083 (US only) or fax 413-665-2671; 1000 or more copies call 214-706-1466, fax 214-691-6342, or e-mail pubauth@heart.org A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina)

ACC/AHA/ACP-ASIM guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina11This document was approved by the American College of Cardiology Board of Trustees in March 1999, the American Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee in March 1999, and the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Board of Regents in February 1999.When citing this document, please use the following citation format: Gibbons RJ, Chatterjee K, Daley J, Douglas JS, Fihn SD, Gardin JM, Grunwald MA, Levy D, Lytle BW, O’Rourke RA, Schafer WP, Williams SV. ACC/AHA/ACP-ASIM guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina). J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;33:2092–197.This document is available on the World Wide Web sites of the American College of Cardiology (www.acc.org) and the American Heart Association (www.americanheart.org). Reprints of this document are available by calling 1-800-253-4636 or writing the American College of Cardiology, Educational Services, at 9111 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-1699. Ask for reprint number 71-0166. To obtain a reprint of the Executive Summary and Recommendations published in the June 1, 1999 issue of Circulation, ask for reprint number 71-0167. To purchase bulk reprints (specify version and reprint number): Up to 999 copies call 1-800-611-6083 (US only) or fax 413-665-2671; 1000 or more copies call 214-706-1466, fax 214-691-6342, or e-mail pubauth@heart.org A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina)

机译:ACC / AHA / ACP-ASIM慢性稳定型心绞痛患者治疗指南11该文件于1999年3月获得美国心脏病学会董事会,1999年3月获得美国心脏协会科学咨询与协调委员会和美国大学的批准美国内科医师学会董事会主席于1999年2月发表。引用本文时,请使用以下引用格式:Gibbons RJ,Chatterjee K,Daley J,Douglas JS,Fihn SD,Gardin JM,Grunwald MA,Levy D ,Lytle BW,O'Rourke RA,Schafer WP,Williams SV。 ACC / AHA / ACP-ASIM慢性稳定型心绞痛患者治疗指南:美国心脏病学会/美国心脏协会实践小组工作指南(慢性稳定型心绞痛患者管理委员会)的报告。 J Am Coll Cardiol 1999; 33:2092-197。该文件可在美国心脏病学会(www.acc.org)和美国心脏协会(www.americanheart.org)的万维网站点上找到。可致电1-800-253-4636或写信给美国心脏病学会教育服务学院,网址为9111 Old Georgetown Road,Bethesda,MD 20814-1699,以重印本文档。要求重印号码71-0166。要获得重印于1999年6月1日发行的Circulation的执行摘要和建议,请重印编号71-0167。要购买批量转载(指定版本和转载号码):最多999份,请致电1-800-611-6083(仅适用于美国)或传真413-665-2671;否则,请重新发送。 1000份或以上,请致电214-706-1466,传真214-691-6342或电子邮件pubauth@heart.org美国心脏病学会/美国心脏协会实践指南工作组(患者管理委员会)的报告慢性稳定型心绞痛)



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