首页> 外文OA文献 >ACC/AHA guidelines for percutaneous coronary intervention (revision of the 1993 PTCA guidelines)—executive summary21When citing this document, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association would appreciate the following citation format: Smith SC, Jr, Dove JT, Jacobs AK, Kennedy JW, Kereiakes D, Kern MJ, Kuntz RE, Popma JJ, Schaff HV, Williams DO. ACC/AHA guidelines for percutaneous coronary intervention: executive summary and recommendations: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Revise the 1993 Guidelines for Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty). J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;37:2215–38.22Address for reprints: a single reprint of this document is available by calling 800-253-4636 (US only) or writing the American College of Cardiology, Educational Services, 9111 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-1699. This document (reprint no. 71-0205), as well as the companion full-text guideline (reprint no. 71-0206), are available on the ACC Web site at www.acc.organd the AHA Web site at http://www.americanheart.org. To purchase additional reprints (specify version): up to 999 copies, call 800-611-6083 (US only) or fax 413-665-2671; 1000 or more copies, call 214-706-1466, fax 214-691-6342; or E-mail: pubauth@heart.org. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines (Committee to revise the 1993 guidelines for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty) endorsed by the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions

ACC/AHA guidelines for percutaneous coronary intervention (revision of the 1993 PTCA guidelines)—executive summary21When citing this document, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association would appreciate the following citation format: Smith SC, Jr, Dove JT, Jacobs AK, Kennedy JW, Kereiakes D, Kern MJ, Kuntz RE, Popma JJ, Schaff HV, Williams DO. ACC/AHA guidelines for percutaneous coronary intervention: executive summary and recommendations: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Revise the 1993 Guidelines for Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty). J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;37:2215–38.22Address for reprints: a single reprint of this document is available by calling 800-253-4636 (US only) or writing the American College of Cardiology, Educational Services, 9111 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-1699. This document (reprint no. 71-0205), as well as the companion full-text guideline (reprint no. 71-0206), are available on the ACC Web site at www.acc.organd the AHA Web site at http://www.americanheart.org. To purchase additional reprints (specify version): up to 999 copies, call 800-611-6083 (US only) or fax 413-665-2671; 1000 or more copies, call 214-706-1466, fax 214-691-6342; or E-mail: pubauth@heart.org. A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines (Committee to revise the 1993 guidelines for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty) endorsed by the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions

机译:ACC / AHA经皮冠状动脉介入治疗指南(1993 PTCA指南的修订版)—执行摘要21当引用该文件时,美国心脏病学会和美国心脏协会将喜欢以下引用格式:Smith SC,Jr,Dove JT,Jacobs AK ,肯尼迪(Jenneth JW),克雷亚克斯(Keriakes D),克恩(Mern),肯兹(Kuntz)RE,波马(Popma)JJ,沙夫(Schaff)HV,威廉姆斯(Williams)。 ACC / AHA经皮冠状动脉介入治疗指南:摘要和建议:美国心脏病学会/美国心脏协会实践指南工作组的报告(修订1993年经皮腔内冠状动脉血管成形术指南的委员会)。 J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 37:2215–38.22转载地址:可致电800-253-4636(仅限美国)或写信给美国乔治心脏病学院,教育服务部,旧乔治敦路9111号,获得本文件的单份转载,贝塞斯达,MD 20814-1699。该文档(重印号71-0205)以及随附的全文指南(重印号71-0206)可从ACC网站www.acc.organized上AHA网站http://上获得。 /www.americanheart.org。要购买其他重印本(指定版本):最多999份,请致电800-611-6083(仅限美国)或传真413-665-2671;否则,请重新发送。 1000或更多副本,请致电214-706-1466,传真214-691-6342;或电子邮件:pubauth@heart.org。美国心脏病学会/美国心脏协会特别工作组关于实践指南(委员会修改1993年经皮腔内冠状动脉血管成形术指南的报告)的报告得到了心脏血管造影和介入学会的认可



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