首页> 外文OA文献 >ABSTRACTudThe purpose of this research is to obtain an optimal formulations of Black mulberry leaves dried noodle product by using Design Expert Application with Design Mixture D-optimal method.udThis research was done with two phases. The preliminary procedures research is to determine levels of antioxidant activity, chlorophyll content, and the levels of tannin that was contained in black mulberry leaves, the black mulberry leaf flour, a pare fruits, and pare flour. Primary research is to determine the best formulation by using a Mixture Design Expert Design D-optimal method, for a purpose is to optimized the Black mulberry leaf dry noodle. Responses in this studies are a chemical analysis response by using a crude fiber analysis and protein analysis. Physical response is water absorption. Sensory response are color, flavor, and odor.udBlack mulberry leaves dried noodles was made from wheat flour, black mulberry leaf flour, and pare flour, other materials such as an eggs, water, salt, and sodium bicarbonate, of the 16 formulations that has offered to produce an optimal formulation based on desirability which contains 39.69 Flour,14.25 Black Mulberry Leaves flour, 3.06 Pare fruit and flour amounted, and other materials are 30 water, 10 eggs, 2 salt, and 1 sodium bicarbonate. The formulation has been result by program 11,05 crude fiber content, 12.93 protein, 274.31 water absorption, 4,31 for color attribute, 3,87 for taste attribute, and 3,71 for aroma attribute.ududKeyword: Black mulberry leaf dried noodles, optimization.

ABSTRACTudThe purpose of this research is to obtain an optimal formulations of Black mulberry leaves dried noodle product by using Design Expert Application with Design Mixture D-optimal method.udThis research was done with two phases. The preliminary procedures research is to determine levels of antioxidant activity, chlorophyll content, and the levels of tannin that was contained in black mulberry leaves, the black mulberry leaf flour, a pare fruits, and pare flour. Primary research is to determine the best formulation by using a Mixture Design Expert Design D-optimal method, for a purpose is to optimized the Black mulberry leaf dry noodle. Responses in this studies are a chemical analysis response by using a crude fiber analysis and protein analysis. Physical response is water absorption. Sensory response are color, flavor, and odor.udBlack mulberry leaves dried noodles was made from wheat flour, black mulberry leaf flour, and pare flour, other materials such as an eggs, water, salt, and sodium bicarbonate, of the 16 formulations that has offered to produce an optimal formulation based on desirability which contains 39.69 Flour,14.25 Black Mulberry Leaves flour, 3.06 Pare fruit and flour amounted, and other materials are 30 water, 10 eggs, 2 salt, and 1 sodium bicarbonate. The formulation has been result by program 11,05 crude fiber content, 12.93 protein, 274.31 water absorption, 4,31 for color attribute, 3,87 for taste attribute, and 3,71 for aroma attribute.ududKeyword: Black mulberry leaf dried noodles, optimization.

机译:抽象 ud本研究的目的是通过使用带有Design Mixture D-最优方法的Design Expert Application获得黑桑叶干面条产品的最佳配方。 ud这项研究分两个阶段进行。初步程序研究是确定抗氧化剂活性,叶绿素含量以及黑桑叶,黑桑叶粉,果皮和果皮中所含单宁的含量。首要研究是通过使用Mixture Design Expert Design D-optimal方法确定最佳配方,目的是优化黑桑叶干面条。本研究中的反应是通过使用粗纤维分析和蛋白质分析进行的化学分析反应。物理反应是吸水。感官反应是颜色,味道和气味。黑桑叶干面条由小麦粉,黑桑叶粉和削皮粉,鸡蛋,水,盐和碳酸氢钠等其他材料制成,这16种配方可根据需要提供最佳配方其中包含39.69%的面粉,14.25%的黑桑叶面粉,3.06%的去皮水果和面粉,其他材料是30%的水,10%的鸡蛋,2%的盐和1%的碳酸氢钠。该配方是通过程序11,05%的粗纤维含量,12.93%的蛋白质,274.31%的吸水率,4.31的颜色属性,3,87的味道属性和3,71的芳香属性得出的。 ud关键字:黑桑叶干面条,优化。



ABSTRAKudKulit buah naga mempunyai berat 30%-35% dari berat buah belum dimanfaatkan dan hanya dibuang sebagai limbah sehingga dapat menyebabkan pecemaran lingkungan. Kulit buah naga mengandung zat pewarna alami betasianin cukup tinggi yang juga berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Permen jelly ialah permen bertekstur lunak yang diproses dengan penambahan komponen hidrokoloid seperti agar, gum, pektin, pati, karagenan, dan gelatin yang digunakan untuk modifikasi tekstur sehingga menghasilkan produk yang kenyal.udPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk soft candy jelly kulit buah naga dengan pengaruh penambahan jenis bahan penstabil dan campuran kulit buah naga merah dan putih terhadap karakteristik soft candy jelly kulit buah naga. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan daya guna limbah kulit buah naga menjadi bentuk olahan pangan yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, serta dapat menambah wawasan tentang metode pengolahan soft candy jelly.udPenelitian utama ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial 3x3 dengan tiga kali ulangan. Adapun terdiri dari 2 (dua) faktor, yaitu jenis penstabil (A) yang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) taraf dengan notasi a1 = karagenan 10%, a2 = pektin 10%, a3 = gelatin 10% serta campuran kulit buah naga merah dan putih (B) yang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) taraf dengan notasi b1=1:1; b2=1:2; b3=2:1.udHasil penelitian utama produk soft candy jelly kulit buah naga yang terpilih dari keseluruhan respon adalah perlakuan a3b3 (jenis penstabil gelatin dan campuran kulit buah naga merah dan putih sebesar 2:1) yang menghasilkan antioksidan sebesar 17.889,40 mg/l, kadar gula reduksi 8,28%, kadar serat kasar 1,99%, kekerasan 51,37 mm/s/g.ududKata kunci : kulit buah naga, soft candy jelly, karagenan, pektin, gelatin.
机译:摘要火龙果皮的重量为未使用过的果实重量的30%-35%,仅作为废物处理,因此会造成环境污染。火龙果皮中含有的花青素天然染料含量很高,还可以用作抗氧化剂。果冻是一种软质糖果,通过添加琼脂,树胶,果胶,淀粉,角叉菜胶和明胶等水解胶体成分加工制成质地柔软的产品,目的是生产具有火龙果皮的软糖产品。在软糖果冻火龙果皮中加入稳定剂和红白火龙果皮混合物的效果。这项研究的好处是将火龙果果皮废料的使用性提高为有益于健康的食品加工形式,并可以加深对软糖冻的加工方法的认识,主要研究工作是使用3x3因子分解随机块设计(RBD),三个重复。至于由2(两个)因子组成的,即由3(三)个水平组成的稳定剂(A)的类型,符号a1 =角叉菜胶10%,a2 =果胶10%,a3 =明胶10%和红色和白色火龙果皮的混合物(B)由3(三)级组成,符号b1 = 1:1; b2 = 1:2; b3 = 2:1. ud从整个响应中选择的软糖果冻火龙果皮肤的主要研究结果是a3b3处理(明胶稳定剂的类型以及2:1的红色和白色火龙果皮混合物)产生的抗氧化剂为17,889.40 mg / l,还原糖含量为8.28%,粗纤维含量为1.99%,硬度为51.37 mm / s / g关键词:火龙果皮,软糖软糖,角叉菜胶,果胶,明胶。



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