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Des actions parlantes : Aspects de la culture québécoise des années 1960 et 1970 = Actions That Speak : Aspects of Quebec Culture in the 1960s and 1970s



"Historian Sean Mills examines the linguistic debate in Quebec in the late 1960s from the perspective of the political economy of empire in which questions of colonialism and capitalism were important forces. Felicity Tayler presents an analysis of the history and performativity of Québec underground, 1962-1972, a three-volume publication that attempted to circumscribe the alternative and, for the most part, collective art practices of the 1960s in Montreal. Michèle Thériault offers an initial reflection on the interventionist nature of the curatorial practice of Norman Thériault, a leading figure in the artistic landscape of the 1970s. The collection concludes with an examination of Quebec’s neo-rural communal counterculture by sociologist Jean-Philippe Warren" -- Publisher's website.
机译:“历史学家肖恩·米尔斯(Sean Mills)从帝国主义的政治经济学角度考察了1960年代后期魁北克的语言辩论,在殖民主义和资本主义问题中,帝国主义是重要力量。费利西蒂·泰勒(Felicity Tayler)对魁北克地下铁路的历史和性能进行了分析,1962- 1972年,一本三卷本的出版物试图界定蒙特利尔的1960年代替代艺术和大部分集体艺术实践,米歇尔·泰勒(MichèleThériault)初步反思了诺曼·泰勒(NormanThériault)策展实践的干预主义性质。该系列以社会学家让·菲利普·沃伦(Jean-Philippe Warren)对魁北克的新农村社区反文化进行的考察作为结束。”



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