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Heritability of Intraindividual Mean and Variability of Positive and Negative Affect:Genetic Analysis of Daily Affect Ratings Over a Month




Positive affect (e.g., attentiveness) and negative affect (e.g., upset) fluctuate over time. We examined genetic influences on interindividual differences in the day-to-day variability of affect (i.e., ups and downs) and in average affect over theduration of a month. Once a day, 17-year-old twins in the United Kingdom (N = 447) rated their positive and negative affect online. The mean and standard deviation of each individual’s daily ratings across the month were used as the measures of that individual’s average affect and variability of affect. Analyses revealed that the average of negative affect was significantly heritable (.53), but the average of positive affect was not; instead, the latter showed significant shared environmental influences (.42). Fluctuations across the month were significantly heritable for both negative affect (.54) and positive affect (.34). The findings support the two-factor theory of affect, which posits that positive affect is more situational and negative affect is more dispositional.
机译:正面影响(例如,专心)和负面影响(例如,沮丧)会随时间波动。我们研究了遗传影响对个体间日常差异的影响(即起伏)和平均持续时间超过一个月的个体差异的影响。每天一次,英国(N = 447)的17岁双胞胎在线评估他们的正面和负面影响。每个人每个月的每日评分的平均值和标准差用作该人的平均情感和情感变异性的量度。分析表明,负面影响的平均值具有显着的遗传性(.53),而正面影响的平均值则没有。相反,后者显示出显着的共享环境影响(.42)。负面影响(.54)和正面影响(.34)均显着遗传了整个月的波动。这些发现支持了两因素情感理论,认为正面情感更多是情境,而负面情感则更易处置。



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