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A topical microemulsion for the prevention of allergic rhinitis symptoms: results of a randomized, controlled, double-blind, parallel group, multicentre, multinational clinical trial (Nares study)




Background: Since barrier protection measures to avoid contact with allergens are being increasingly developed, we assessed the clinical efficacy and tolerability of a topical nasal microemulsion made of glycerol esters in patients with allergic rhinitis. Methods: Randomized, controlled, double-blind, parallel group, multicentre, multinational clinical trial in which adult patients with allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis due to sensitization to birch, grass or olive tree pollens received treatment with topical microemulsion or placebo during the pollen seasons. Efficacy variables included scores in the mini-RQLQ questionnaire, number and severity of nasal, ocular and lung signs and symptoms, need for symptomatic medications and patients" satisfaction with treatment. Adverse events were also recorded. Results: Demographic characteristics were homogeneous between groups and mini-RQLQ scores did not differ significantly at baseline (visit 1). From symptoms recorded in the diary cards, the ME group showed statistically significant better scores for nasal congestion (0.72 vs. 1.01; p = 0.017) and mean total nasal symptoms (0.7 vs. 0.9; p = 0.045). At visit 2 (pollen season), lower values were observed in the mini-RQLQ in the ME group, although there were no statistically significant differences between groups in both full analysis set (FAS) and patients completing treatment (PPS) populations. The results obtained in the nasal symptoms domain of the mini-RQLQ at visit 2 showed the highest difference (−0.43; 95% CI: -0.88 to 0.02) for the ME group in the FAS population. The topical microemulsion was safe and well tolerated and no major discomforts were observed. Satisfaction rating with the treatment was similar between the groups. Conclusions: The topical application of the microemulsion is a feasible and safe therapy in the prevention of allergic symptoms, particularly nasal congestion.
机译:背景:由于越来越多地开发出避免与过敏原接触的屏障保护措施,因此我们评估了由甘油酯制成的局部鼻腔微乳剂在过敏性鼻炎患者中的临床疗效和耐受性。方法:随机,对照,双盲,平行分组,多中心,多国临床试验,在花粉季节中,由于对桦树,草或橄榄树花粉致敏而导致过敏性鼻炎或鼻结膜炎的成年患者接受局部微乳或安慰剂治疗。疗效变量包括mini-RQLQ问卷中的得分,鼻,眼和肺体征和症状的数量和严重程度,对症药物的需求以及患者对治疗的满意度,并记录不良事件。 mini-RQLQ评分在基线时无显着差异(访问1)。从日记卡中记录的症状来看,ME组的鼻充血评分在统计学上有显着性优势(分别为0.72和1.01; p = 170.017)和平均总鼻部症状( 0.7 vs. 0.9; p = 0.045)。在第2次造访(花粉季节)时,ME组的mini-RQLQ值较低,尽管完整分析集(FAS)和两组患者在mini-RQLQ的鼻部症状域中获得的结果显示,ME组i的差异最大(-0.43; 95%CI:-0.88至0.02) n FAS人口。局部用微乳是安全的且耐受性良好,未观察到重大不适。两组间对治疗的满意度相似。结论:局部应用微乳是一种预防过敏症状,尤其是鼻充血的可行且安全的疗法。



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