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Desolation among first year’s students as a consequence of the late modern society’s social media




This project is about the youth and loneliness through social medias. We have in this project chosen to use Facebook as the social media, we will be focusing on. We have chosen Facebook because it is the biggest social media, with 1,3 billion active users. The project has been answered by the use of quantitative and qualitative data sources, and the use of theories about self-promotion and loneliness. As qualitative data sources we have used pieces of our own interviews, by interviewing high school students. As our quantitative data sources we, primarily use statistics found during our research and our own questionnaire, that has been handed out to first year students at high school on Zealand. We have been using theorists like Kenneth Gergen, Thomas Ziehe and Anthony Giddens to analyse the use of social medias and the consequences by living in a high-technological society, were the separation of time and space no longer exists. We have chosen to use Mathias Lasgaard to define loneliness as this concept plays a major role in our project. By using these theorists to thereby shed light on our data sources, our project culminates in to a conclusion and a discussion on how Facebook have a part in making people anti-social or lonely. Our conclusion of this is that the use of Facebook does not have anything to do, with making people anti-social or lonely, however the use of Facebook will not help you become more social and less lonely. It appears in our conclusion that people whom are lonely and anti-social in real life, will remain like that on the social medias. Therefore, it is paradoxical that social medias does not contribute to make people more social or helps with the removal of loneliness. It must be remembered that Facebook or social medias is not the sinner, but the individual themselves. This is why we in the project have emphasized to maintain an objective point of view to social medias and the use of it. The projects conclusion is composed by several partial-conclusions of the different theorists, and later summarized in an overall conclusion. In addition to that the analysis is divided into theory and method analysis of the societal problem. The projects discussion opens the debate of how this is a big societal problem or just a new sort of social relations that society is moving towards, like the perception of the telephone, even newspapers and books were when they became available to the public.
机译:这个项目是关于通过社交媒体的青年和孤独。在这个项目中,我们选择了将Facebook用作社交媒体,我们将重点关注。我们选择Facebook是因为它是最大的社交媒体,拥有13亿活跃用户。该项目已通过使用定量和定性数据源以及关于自我促进和孤独的理论得到了回答。作为定性数据源,我们通过采访高中生来使用自己的采访内容。作为定量数据来源,我们主要使用研究期间发现的统计数据和我们自己的调查表,这些数据已分发给新西兰高中一年级学生。我们一直在使用诸如肯尼思·格根(Kenneth Gergen),托马斯·齐赫(Thomas Ziehe)和安东尼·吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)之类的理论家来分析社交媒体的使用以及生活在高科技社会中的后果,因为时间和空间的分离不再存在。我们选择使用Mathias Lasgaard定义孤独感,因为此概念在我们的项目中起着重要作用。通过利用这些理论家来阐明我们的数据源,我们的项目最终得出结论,并进行了讨论,讨论了Facebook如何使人们反社会或孤独。我们得出的结论是,使用Facebook与使人反社会或孤单无关,但是使用Facebook并不会帮助您变得更加社交和减少孤独。我们的结论似乎表明,在现实生活中孤独和反社会的人将像在社交媒体上一样保持生活。因此,自相矛盾的是,社交媒体没有有助于使人们更加社交,也无助于消除孤独感。必须记住,Facebook或社交媒体不是罪人,而是个人本身。这就是为什么我们在该项目中一直强调要保持对社交媒体及其使用的客观观点。该项目的结论由不同理论家的几个部分结论组成,随后在总体结论中进行了总结。除此之外,分析分为社会问题的理论分析和方法分析。该项目的讨论开启了关于这是一个大的社会问题还是社会正在走向的新型社会关系的辩论,例如对电话的感知,甚至报纸和书籍在向公众提供时也是如此。



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