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The Treatment of Moral Values in the Work of Four Contemporary Novelists: Graham Greene; Muriel Spark; Iris Murdoch; Doris Lessing.

机译:当代四位小说家作品中的道德价值观处理:格雷厄姆·格林Muriel Spark;艾里斯·默多克(Iris Murdoch);多丽丝·莱辛。


This thesis sets out to examine the treatment ofudmoral values in the work of Graham Greene, Muriel Spark, IrisudMurdoch and Doris Lessing.udChapter One provides a context for subsequent work;udand considers some possible stances to the treatment of moraludvalues in fiction; that is, it suggests they can be reflected,udreinforced, questioned or rephrased. It reflects, too, onudsome aspects of contemporary society and thought which relateudto the overall topic.udGraham Greene's treatment of moral values is examinedudin Chapter Two. Novels like Brighton Rock reveal that a tensionudexists between the moral and the spiritual; and it isudargued that he often questions the finality of moral judgements.udIn Chapter Three, Muriel Spark's approach to moraludvalues is aligned with his; for she too envisages man's souludas of paramount importance. Her satirical bent, however,udensures that much of her fiction is devoted to the portrayaludof man's lack of moral values.udThe consideration of Iris Murdoch in Chapter Fourudargues that she tests out many of her philosophical hypothesesudwithin her fiction. Her sympathetic but speculative examination of the difficulties inherent in the moral life is comparedudto George Eliot's; though the former's attempt to rehabilitateudChristian concepts is seen as radical.udChapter Five traces the evolution of Doris Lessing'sudfiction from her criticism of African society to her embodimentudof a mystical view of life. Moral values are crucial to theudMartha Quest novels, where she endeavours to substitute newudnotions of the moral for conventional views. Later, her Sufiudbelief largely causes the ethical to disappear.udThe Conclusion suggests that though these novelistsudoften treat moral values speculatively, this response springsudfrom an intelligent appraisal of the contemporary world. Alludstress the need for the individual to be self-responsible; andudtheir clear-sighted treatment of moral issues aids such audprocess.
机译:本论文着手研究格雷厄姆·格林,穆里尔·斯帕克,艾里斯·默多克和多丽丝·莱辛的作品中对道德观念的处理。 ud第一章为后续工作提供了背景; udand考虑了一些对待道德的可能立场。小说中的 udvalues;也就是说,这表明可以对其进行反映,加强,质疑或改写。它也反映了与整个主题相关的当代社会和思想的某些方面。 ud格雷厄姆·格林对道德价值观的处理在第二章中进行了探讨。布莱顿·洛克(Brighton Rock)等小说揭示了道德与精神之间的张力犹太教徒。 ud第三章中,Muriel Spark的道德 udvalue方法与他的一致;因为她也认为男人的灵魂最重要。然而,她的讽刺倾向使她的小说大部分都致力于男人缺乏道德价值的刻画。 ud在第四章中对艾里斯·默多克的思考她对小说中的许多哲学假设进行了检验 。她对道德生活中固有的困难的同情而又投机的考察被比作乔治·艾略特的;尽管前者试图恢复基督教观念的尝试被认为是激进的。第五章追溯了多丽丝·莱辛的小说从对非洲社会的批评演变成她对神秘生活观的体现。道德价值观对于 udMartha Quest小说至关重要,在她的小说中,她努力用传统的观点代替道德的新观念。结论表明,尽管这些小说家常常以投机方式对待道德价值观,但这种回应源于对当代世界的明智评价。所有人都 n需要个人负责任;并且他们对道德问题的清晰处理有助于这种过程。


  • 作者

    Stubbs PJA;

  • 作者单位
  • 年度 1978
  • 总页数
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 入库时间 2022-08-20 20:23:06


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