首页> 外文OA文献 >النفس الإنسانية عند فخر الدين الرازيud= Jiwa manusia apabila Fakhr al-Din al-Raziud(The human soul based on the opinion of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi)

النفس الإنسانية عند فخر الدين الرازيud= Jiwa manusia apabila Fakhr al-Din al-Raziud(The human soul based on the opinion of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi)

机译:法赫鲁丁·拉齐 ud时的人类灵魂= Jiwa manusia apabila Fakhr al-Din al-Razi ud(基于法赫尔·丁·拉齐的观点的人类灵魂)


Human soul is the mystery of God's creation and His divine verse in the slaves, it isudthe source of knowledge and different information that is endless, it is also the sourceudof self-evident ideas, but in the same time, it is ambiguous and vague, there areuddifferent views on the issue of soul, there are those who differentiate between the souludand the spirit, and from there the view that saw they one thing, even in previousudreligions and ancient philosophies and primitive beliefs, we find the belief that the selfudis the object which represents the part of the human rational, and despite the differentudnaming for this wise object between these different doctrines and schools of thought,udhowever the emphasis is on the body more than the soul, perhaps because the body isudthe concrete physical material, while the soul is the mysterious and invisible part ofudhuman, so the sense of its existence needs to exercise a major effort to identify andudaddress it, therefore we can access and get knowledge of it and its illness, so that weudmay cure these diseases and direct it to the right path of guidance. This paper clarifyudthe meaning of soul, which is commissioned for responsible activities, through which tends to the right and better ethics after the process of accounting, purifying anduddirection, to emphasize that there is moral philosophy in Islam, and not as theudWesterners that it is a philosophy of Greek written in Arabic, to reach out to thisudresult the analytical descriptive method and the comparative method, have been used,udand arrived at the result that al-Razi came with several evidences to prove theudexistence of the human soul, al-Razi opposed the Greek ideas of the human souludtransience, which is contrary to Islamic faith, the soul in the Islamic religion have theudstatus of eternity which is not transient.
机译:人的灵魂是上帝创造的奥秘和奴隶中他神圣的经文,它是知识的源泉和无尽的各种信息,也是不言而喻的思想的源泉,但与此同时,模棱两可,含糊不清,对灵魂问题有不同的看法,有人在灵魂和精神之间进行区分,甚至从以前的宗教信仰,古老的哲学和原始信仰中也可以看出他们是一回事,我们发现一种信念,即自我代表代表人类理性的一部分的客体,尽管在这些不同的学说和思想流派对此智商的客体有不同的称呼,然而,重点更多地是在身体上灵魂,也许是因为身体是具体的物理材料,而灵魂是 udhuman的神秘和无形的部分,因此,它的存在感需要付出巨大的努力来识别和处理它,因此我们可以n获取并了解有关疾病及其疾病的知识,以便我们治愈这些疾病并将其引导至正确的指导道路。本文阐明 ud灵魂的含义,它被委托用于负责任的活动,通过这种行为,在会计,净化和重定向之后,趋向于正确和更好的道德规范,以强调伊斯兰中存在道德哲学,而不是作为道德哲学。 ud西方人认为这是用阿拉伯语写成的希腊语哲学,为了达到这一目的, u u200b u003b u003b u003b u003b u003b u003b u003b u003c u003b u003b u003b u003b u003b u003b u003c u003b u003b u003b u003c u003b u003c u003b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u200b u003d在人类灵魂的不存在中,拉齐反对希腊关于人类灵魂的过瞬的观念,这与伊斯兰信仰相反,伊斯兰宗教中的灵魂具有永恒的“永恒”状态。



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