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A Comparison of Diets and Water Agitation Methods for Larval Culture of the Edible Sea Urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)

机译:食用海胆幼体的饮食和水搅动方法的比较(Trichinstes ventricosus(Echinodermata:Echinoidea)



Tripneustes ventricosus (Lamarck, 1816) has been harvested for human consumption in the Caribbean for centuries, where harvest rates occasionally exceed sustainability. Historically a backreef and grass-bed urchin, the species has recently been observed on the forereef where it appears to control macroalgal growth in the absence of Diadema antillarum (Philippi, 1845) (Woodley and Gayle, 1999). Large-scale culturing has the potential to produce T. ventricosus in sufficient numbers for remediation of degraded coral reefs, restocking of nearshore habitats, and development of an aquaculture industry for one or more Caribbean islands. We report the first successful culturing of T. ventricosus from fertilization to exotrophic juvenile and the results of experiments to measure the effectiveness of agitation methods and diets applicable to large-scale larval culture. Airlift agitation was not effective in the 3.78-L (1-gal) jars used here. Cultures were successfully reared without mechanical agitation, but paddle agitation, used successfully in many small-scale experimental designs, produced the highest survival rates. Of the five algal diets tested, Rhodomonas sp., and a mixture of Rhodomonas Karsten and Isochrysis Parke, produced the most rapid development (23 d to metamorphosis). Isochrysis aff. galbana (Tahitian strain) supported slower development (36 d to metamorphosis) but produced the highest (48%) survival rate.
机译:Tripneustes ventricosus(Lamarck,1816)已被收录在加勒比海供人类食用了几个世纪,那里的收成率有时超过可持续性。从历史上讲,这是一种背礁和草床的顽童,最近在前足上发现了该物种,在没有迪达玛(Diadema antillarum)的情况下,它似乎可以控制大型藻类的生长(Philippi,1845)(Woodley and Gayle,1999)。大规模养殖有可能生产足够数量的T. ventricosus,用于补救退化的珊瑚礁,补充近岸生境以及发展一个或多个加勒比海岛屿的水产养殖业。我们报道了T. ventricosus从受精到外生营养性幼体的首次成功培养,以及测量可用于大规模幼体培养的搅拌方法和饮食有效性的实验结果。在此处使用的3.78-L(1-gal)广口瓶中,空运搅拌无效。在没有机械搅拌的情况下成功地培养了培养物,但是在许多小型实验设计中成功使用的桨式搅拌产生了最高的存活率。在所测试的五种藻类饮食中,红景天菌以及红景天卡斯滕和等鞭金丝帕克的混合物,发展最快(到变态的23天)。等渗galbana(大溪地毒株)支持发育较慢(变态36 d),但存活率最高(48%)。



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