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Long-term profiling of mineral dust and pollution aerosol with multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar at the Central Asian site of Dushanbe, Tajikistan: case studies




For the first time, continuous vertically resolved aerosol measurements wereperformed by lidar in Tajikistan, Central Asia. Observations with themultiwavelength polarization Raman lidar Polly were conductedduring CADEX (Central Asian Dust EXperiment) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, fromMarch 2015 to August 2016. Co-located with the lidar, a sun photometer wasalso operated. The goal of CADEX is to provide an unprecedented data set onvertically resolved aerosol optical properties in Central Asia, an areahighly affected by climate change but largely missing vertically resolvedaerosol measurements. During the 18-month measurement campaign, mineral dustwas detected frequently from ground to the cirrus level height. In this study, anoverview of the measurement period is given and four typical but differentexample measurement cases are discussed in detail. Three of them are dustcases and one is a contrasting pollution aerosol case. Vertical profiles ofthe measured optical properties and the calculated dust and non-dust massconcentrations are presented. Dust source regions were identified by means ofbackward trajectory analyses. A lofted layer of Middle Eastern dust with anaerosol optical thickness (AOT) of 0.4 and an extinction-relatedÅngström exponent of 0.41 was measured. In comparison, two near-grounddust cases have Central Asian sources. One is an extreme dust event with anAOT of 1.5 and Ångström exponent of 0.12 and the other one is a mostextreme dust event with an AOT of above 4 (measured by sun photometer) and anÅngström exponent of −0.08. The observed lidar ratios (and particlelinear depolarization ratios) in the presented dust cases range from 40.3 to46.9 sr (and 0.18–0.29) at 355 nm and from 35.7 to42.9 sr (0.31–0.35) at 532 nm wavelength. The particlelinear depolarization ratios indicate almost unpolluted dust in the case of alofted dust layer and pure dust in the near-ground dust cases. The lidarratio values are lower than typical lidar ratio values for Saharan dust(50–60 sr) and comparable to Middle Eastern or west-Asian dust lidarratios (35–45 sr). In contrast, the presented case of pollutionaerosol of local origin has an Ångström exponent of 2.07 and a lidarratio (particle linear depolarization ratio) of 55.8 sr (0.03) at355 nm and 32.8 sr (0.08) at 532 nm wavelength.
机译:在中亚塔吉克斯坦,激光雷达首次进行了连续的垂直分辨气溶胶测量。 2015年3月至2016年8月,在塔吉克斯坦杜尚别进行的CADEX(中亚尘埃试验)期间,对多波长偏振拉曼激光雷达Polly进行了观测。还与激光雷达共置一台太阳光度计。 CADEX的目标是为中亚提供一个前所未有的数据集,该数据集是受气候变化影响较大但垂直分辨气溶胶测量值严重缺失的中亚地区的垂直分辨气溶胶光学特性。在为期18个月的测量活动中,经常从地面到卷云高度检测到矿物粉尘。在这项研究中,给出了测量周期的概述,并详细讨论了四个典型但不同的示例测量案例。其中三个是尘埃箱,一个是对比鲜明的污染气溶胶箱。给出了测得的光学性能以及计算出的粉尘和非粉尘质量浓度的垂直剖面图。通过向后轨迹分析确定了粉尘源区域。测量了中东尘埃的膨体层,其气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)为0.4,与消光有关的埃恩斯特罗姆指数为0.41。相比之下,有两个近尘事件来自中亚。一个是极端尘埃事件,其AOT为1.5,Angström指数为0.12,另一个是最极端尘埃事件,其AOT为4以上(用太阳光度计测量),而Anngström指数为-0.08。在所示的尘埃案例中,在355 nm处观察到的激光雷达比(和粒子线性去极化率)在40.3至46.9 sr(和0.18至0.29)之间,在532 nm波长下从35.7至42.9 sr(0.31至0.35)。颗粒线性去极化比表示在粉尘层高的情况下几乎没有污染的粉尘,而在近地粉尘的情况下则表示纯尘。激光雷达比值低于撒哈拉尘埃的典型激光雷达比值(50–60 sr),可与中东或西亚粉尘激光雷达(35–45 sr)相媲美。相比之下,本案例中的污染源气溶胶的Ångström指数为2.07,在355 nm处的激光成像比为55.8 sr(0.03),在532 nm波长下的激光散射比为32.8 sr(0.08)。


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