首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Federal Register, Volume 64, Number 235, Wednesday, December 8, 1999, Rules and211 Regulations. Part 2. Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR, Parts 9, 122, 123, 211 and 124 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Regulations for Revision 211 o

Federal Register, Volume 64, Number 235, Wednesday, December 8, 1999, Rules and211 Regulations. Part 2. Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR, Parts 9, 122, 123, 211 and 124 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Regulations for Revision 211 o

机译:联邦纪事,第64卷,第235号,1999年12月8日,星期三,规则和211条例。第2部分。环境保护局,40 CFR,第9,122,123,211和124部分国家污染物排放消除系统。修订条例211 o



These regulations (Phase II) expand the existing National Pollutant Discharge211u001eElimination System (NPDES) storm water program (Phase I) to address storm water 211u001edischarges from small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) (those 211u001eserving less than 100,000 persons) and construction sites that disturb one to 211u001efive acres. The rule allows for the exclusion of certain sources from the 211u001enational program based on a demonstration of the lack of impact on water quality, 211u001eas well as the inclusion of others based on a higher likelihood of localized 211u001eadverse impact on water quality. The regulations also exclude from the NPDES 211u001eprogram storm water discharges from industrial facilities that have 'no exposure' 211u001eof industrial activities or materials to storm water. Finally, the rule extends 211u001efrom August 7, 2001 until March 10, 2003 the deadline by which certain industrial 211u001efacilities owned by small MS4s must obtain coverage under an NPDES permit. The 211u001erule establishes a cost-effective, flexible approach for reducing environmental 211u001eharm by storm water discharges from many point sources of storm water that are 211u001ecurrently unregulated.




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