首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Health Consultation: Hurricane Response Sampling Assessment for Gulf Coast Vacuum Services, Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana. EPA Facility ID: LAD980750137.

Health Consultation: Hurricane Response Sampling Assessment for Gulf Coast Vacuum Services, Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana. EPA Facility ID: LAD980750137.

机译:健康咨询:路易斯安那州Vermilion parish的abbeville,Gulf Coast Vacuum services的飓风响应抽样评估。 Epa设施ID:LaD980750137。



The August 29, 2005 landfall of Hurricane Katrina and the September 24, 2005 landfall of Hurricane Rita resulted in extensive flooding throughout southern Louisiana. Following the hurricanes, a number of National Priorities Listing (NPL) sites throughout southern Louisiana were visited and sampled. The objectives of these events were to identify any impacts that these sites might have suffered from the hurricanes and to determine whether any contaminant levels had increased at the sites following hurricane-related flooding. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), in coordination with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), sampled groundwater from two monitoring wells at the Gulf Coast Vacuum Services (GCVS) site. These samples were collected and analyzed to determine whether contamination may have reached the Chicot Aquifer System via recharge subsequent to the hurricanes of 2005. Through a cooperative agreement with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals/Office of Public Health/Section of Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology (LDHH/OPH/SEET) has developed the following health consultation to review these groundwater samples. The primary goals of this document are to determine whether any contaminants that would pose a public health hazard infiltrated the sites groundwater following Hurricane Rita and to establish what further public health actions, if any, may be needed.



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