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Assessing the Value of Delay to Truckers and Carriers




This project evaluates the value of delay (VOD) to commercial vehicle operators due to highway congestion. The VOD for congestion is a fundamental parameter driving the private sectors response to public freight projects and policies such as corridor construction and tolling. Factors affecting the commercial VOD include direct operational cost, travel length, travel time variation, inventory holding, and warehouse management. To approach the VOD, two methods are adopted in this project. One is the stated preference (SP) survey. The other is carrier fleet operational simulation. Simulation shows a range of VOD from $94/hr to $121/hr for the case of a central depot and $80/hr to $84/hr for the case of two depots. An SP survey is conducted for truckers and carriers in two scenarios, which results in a VOD range from $25/hr to $65/hr. A comparison between the survey and the simulation results shows that drivers perceive a significantly lower VOD than the simulated VOD in freight operation.



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