首页> 美国政府科技报告 >National Marine Fisheries Service. 2012. Final Recovery Plan for Central California Coast coho Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region, Santa Rosa, California, Volume 2: Recovery Plan.

National Marine Fisheries Service. 2012. Final Recovery Plan for Central California Coast coho Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region, Santa Rosa, California, Volume 2: Recovery Plan.

机译:国家海洋渔业局。 2012.加州中部海岸coho salmon进化重要单位的最终恢复计划。西南地区国家海洋渔业局,加利福尼亚州圣罗莎,第2卷:恢复计划。



Central California Coast (CCC) Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) coho salmon are listed as an endangered species under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) due to a precipitous and ongoing decline in their population. Since their initial listing in 1996 by NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the population has continued to decline and the species is now very close to extinction. Under the ESA, a recovery plan (which is a non-regulatory document) must be developed and implemented for threatened or endangered species. The purpose of recovery plans is to provide a road map that focuses and prioritizes threat abatement and restoration actions necessary to recover, and eventually delist, a species.



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