首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Summaries of Japanese Reported Longline Catches of Pacific Cod and Sablefish in the Gulf of Alaska, 1978-83

Summaries of Japanese Reported Longline Catches of Pacific Cod and Sablefish in the Gulf of Alaska, 1978-83

机译:1978 - 1983年日本报道的阿拉斯加湾太平洋鳕鱼和黑貂的延绳钓捕捞量摘要



Foreign-reported catches of Pacific cod and sablefish resulting from extensive Japanese longline fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska during the period 1978-83 are summarized on a quarterly and annual basis and presented in statistical blocks 1/2 degree of latitude by 1 degree of longitude. Catch per unit effort and size composition data collected by U.S. observers aboard foreign fishing vessels are also included. These summaries may facilitate the development of a U.S. fishery for Pacific cod and sablefish in the central and western Gulf of Alaska.



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