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Fluorboard: A Statistically Based Dashboard Method for Improving Safety




Fluor Hanford has achieved significant safely improvements - including more than a 80 percent reduction in OSIIA cases per 200,000 hours, during its work at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Washington state. The massive project on the f o m r nuclear materials production site is considered one of the largest environmental cleanup projects in the world. Fluor Hanford's safety improvements were achieved by a committed partnering of workers, management, and statistical methodology. Safety achievements at the site have been due to a systematic approach to safety. This included excellent cooperation between the field workers, the safety professionals, and management through OSI IA Voluntary Protection Program principles. Fluor corporate values arc centered around safety, and safety excellence is important for every manager in every project. In addition, Fluor Hanford has utilized a rigorous approach to using its safety statistics, based upon Dr. Shewhart's control charts. and Dr. Deming's management and quality methods.



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