首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Fault Tolerant Guarantees of Hard - Real Time Message Deadlines is FDDI Networks

Fault Tolerant Guarantees of Hard - Real Time Message Deadlines is FDDI Networks




Our project addressed issues relating to fault-tolerant guarantees of messagedead-lines in communication networks, i.e., even in the presence of a network fault messages will be transmitted before their deadlines. FDDI(Fiber Distributed Data Interface) networks are well suited for hard real time communications, due not only to their high bandwidth, but also to their bounded token rotation time and dual ring architecture. We extended our results to ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networks. The project included four development asks: Delay guarantee methods for fault free situations; Fault management methods; Delay guarantee methods for situations; and extension to Atm networks. One of the bandwidth algorithms designed and analyzed has been officially adopted by the DoD SAFENET.



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