首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Site Characterization Investigations in Support of UXO Technology Demonstrations, Jefferson Proving Ground, Indiana

Site Characterization Investigations in Support of UXO Technology Demonstrations, Jefferson Proving Ground, Indiana




Geological, geophysical, environmental, and geotechnical investigations were performed to characterize three unexploded ordnance (UXO) test sites at Jefferson Proving Ground (JPG), Indiana. The purpose of the characterization is to support: (I) Phase IV demonstrator planning and results assessment; (2) Additional assessments of Phase I-III; (3) Future use of JPG sites; and (4) Comparisons of the JPG sites with other UXO and landmine test and cleanup sites. Some observations made as a result of the investigations are outlined below. Soil samples collected from the three sites are classified, according to the Unified Classification System (USCS), chiefly as CH or CL and are generally characterized as clays, sandy clays, or silty clays. In the USCS, soil particles passing the No.200 sieve are considered silt or clay. X-ray diffraction analysis indicate that these soils contain little or no clay minerals and consist chiefly of very fine-grained (silt or clay-sized) silica particles. Relative dielectric permitivitties values generally range between l0- 25 and were determined in the field and in the laboratory. Test results also indicate that the soils highly attenuate the propagation of electromagnetic waves. The depth of investigation for ground penetrating radar at the sites is limited to approximately 3.5 m.



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