首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Hangar Floor Coating Specifications: Thin Film, Thick Film, and Overcoating Sound Coating Systems

Hangar Floor Coating Specifications: Thin Film, Thick Film, and Overcoating Sound Coating Systems




The Special Publication was developed for use with the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center's (NFESC) Users Guide titled 'Condition Assessment and Coating Recommendations for Aircraft Maintenance Hangars (UG- 2036-SHR)'. A condition assessment in accordance to the Users Guide is required prior to specifying one of three hangar floor coating systems: (1) Thin film coating system (16 mils: 1 mil = 0.001 inch), (2) Thick film coating system (250 mils), and (3) Overcoating sound coating systems. Coating specifications based upon the above coating systems are enclosed in the Appendices. Presented within the publication are the following sections: (A) Coating system requirements, (B) Quality control, (C) Chemical resistance of topcoat, (D) Cleaning coating systems, and (E) Conductive coating system.



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