首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Modernization of the Snecma Military Engines: Recent Developments and Prospects. (La Modernisation des moteurs militaires Snecma Developpements recents et perspectives)

Modernization of the Snecma Military Engines: Recent Developments and Prospects. (La Modernisation des moteurs militaires Snecma Developpements recents et perspectives)

机译:斯奈克玛军事发动机的现代化:近期发展与展望。 (La modernized des moteurs militaires snecma Developpements recents et perspectives)



To date, 47 armed forces have ordered more than 6000 engines sold by Snecma (France) and GE (US). Among the engines that were ordered, some have been in service for more than thirty years. The engines have maintained a high level of satisfaction to the customer. Snecma has an essential program of continuous enhancements covering the life expectancy and reduction in the cost of maintenance.



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