首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments.

Supporting the Future Total Force: A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Air National Guard Mission Assignments.




Manpower end-strength reductions of active duty personnel in the U.S. Air Force are making it more difficult to support the air and space expeditionary force construct using current force employment practices. The Air National Guard (ANG), however, will not undergo significant manpower reductions but will be affected by plans that call for the retirement of a significant number of its aircraft, leaving it with a large number of highly trained, highly experienced personnel with no aircraft to operate and support. The authors develop a methodology to evaluate missions that could be transferred from the active component to the ANG without significant cost to the total force. They conclude that four areas-Predator operations and support, air mobility command and control, Commander of Air Force forces staffing, and base- level intermediate maintenance-are missions that could benefit from ANG assignment.



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