首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Pert Analysis of the Air Force Programming and Budgeting Process for the Operation and Maintenance Appropriation

Pert Analysis of the Air Force Programming and Budgeting Process for the Operation and Maintenance Appropriation




This thesis documents and analyzes the steps in the programming and budgeting process for the Air Force's Operation and Maintenance (O&M) appropriation using the PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) critical path method. The report is confined to the funding requirements and budgeting process as it occurs at Headquarters, United States Air Force located in the Pentagon. Use of the PERT methodology has advantages over other techniques in that it allows identification of the critical activities (those that are the most start and finish time sensitive) and it provides a sequential activity flow chart (the 'network' ) that explicitly illustrates the precedence relationships between activities. The objectives of this report are not to only document the process in a logical way, but also to provide a useful training and management tool.



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