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Documentation for 'What Now, Captain': A Training Concept for Exporting Lessons Learned from the National Training Center




The National Training Center provides a realistic training environment for battalion training forces. Part of NTC's training concept is the collection and use of a wide range of training information: audio, video and digital. These provide an unparalleled opportunity to examine and send back to the units, and to the larger Army community, performance information. At present, effective and comprehensive utilization of this information has not been made. To remedy the shortfall in utilization, the Army Research Institute (ARI) has contracted with The BDM Corporation to perform a three-year study on the design and development of an NTC Home Station feedback system. One of the results of the first year of this effort was the development of the What now, Captain training concept. This involves the utilization of all NTC data sources (audio, video, and digital) to prepare short video vignettes based on real NTC missions. The design of these vignettes will stress certain tactical mission fundamentals; the intent is to use the vignettes as part of the tactical instruction provided to the officers with a battalion. This document provides a detailed summary of this training concept, and of its proposed products.



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