首页> 外文期刊>Biomaterials >Development of pH-responsive chitosan/heparin nanoparticles for stomach-specific anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy.

Development of pH-responsive chitosan/heparin nanoparticles for stomach-specific anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy.


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The microorganism now known as Helicobacter pylori is considered to be an important factor in the etiology of peptic ulcers. It can secrete urease enzyme and buffer gastric acids to survive in the stomach. H. pylori can colonize the gastric mucosa and preferentially adheres near the cell-cell junctions of the gastric mucous cells. In this study, pH-responsive nanoparticles were produced instantaneously upon the addition of heparin solution to a chitosan solution with magnetic stirring at room temperature. The nanoparticles appeared to have a particle size of 130-300 nm, with a positive surface charge, and were stable at pH 1.2-2.5, allowing them to protect an incorporated drug from destructive gastric acids. We also demonstrated that the prepared nanoparticles can adhere to and infiltrate cell-cell junctions and interact locally with H. pylori infection sites in intercellular spaces.
机译:现在被称为幽门螺杆菌的微生物被认为是消化性溃疡病因的重要因素。它可以分泌尿素酶和缓冲胃酸以在胃中存活。幽门螺杆菌可定居在胃粘膜上并优先粘附在胃粘膜细胞的细胞-细胞连接处附近。在这项研究中,在室温下通过磁力搅拌将肝素溶液添加到壳聚糖溶液中,即刻产生了pH响应纳米颗粒。纳米颗粒似乎具有130-300 nm的粒径,带有正表面电荷,并且在pH 1.2-2.5时稳定,从而使它们能够保护掺入的药物免受破坏性胃酸的侵害。我们还证明了制备的纳米颗粒可以粘附并渗入细胞间连接,并在细胞间隙中与幽门螺杆菌感染部位发生局部相互作用。



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