首页> 外文期刊>Physics and chemistry of the earth, Part C. Solar-terrestrial and planetary science >Variations in the H Lyα Intensity in Solar Activity Cycles from Measurements Onboard Satellites and Rockets

Variations in the H Lyα Intensity in Solar Activity Cycles from Measurements Onboard Satellites and Rockets


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Data on radiation intensity of the Sun's Lymanalpha hydrogen line (λ = 121.6 nm) for a maximum and minimum of solar activity are considered. Results of longterm measurements, received onboard 5 American and 9 Russian satellites and space vehicles for a period from 1969 till 1998, as well as data of numerous rocket measurements, since 1955 are analyzed. Radiation of the quiet Sun (without flares) in the Lα line differs between phases of a solar activity cycle andchanges from cycle to cycle were observed. Radiation intensity at the minimum of a solar activity cycle varies from (2.25-4.3) * 10~(11) cm~(-2)s~(-1) for activity minimum to (6.1-9) * 10~(11) cm~(-2)s~(-1) for a maximum of a cycle.
机译:考虑了有关太阳活动最大和最小的太阳Lymanalpha氢线(λ= 121.6 nm)的辐射强度的数据。分析了自1955年以来在5架美国和9架俄罗斯卫星和太空飞行器上接收的1969至1998年期间的长期测量结果,以及许多火箭的测量数据。在Lα线中,安静太阳(无耀斑)的辐射在太阳活动周期的各个阶段之间有所不同,并且观察到了周期之间的变化。太阳活动周期最小时的辐射强度从(2.25-4.3)* 10〜(11)cm〜(-2)s〜(-1)到最小活动度到(6.1-9)* 10〜(11) cm〜(-2)s〜(-1)最多一个周期。



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