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Thomas Aquinas and Cognitive Therapy: An Exploration of the Promise of the Thomistic Psychology

机译:托马斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)与认知疗法:托马斯心理学的承诺探究

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Although Thomas Aquinas never developed an account of the emotional disorders, he anticipated all the major principles and methods of cognitive therapy (CT) in his philosophical psychology. This fact has gone largely unnoted by philosophers and psychologists alike. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the complementarity of these two psychologies by arguing that Aquinas's philosophical psychology (APP) can serve as a theoretical framework for CT, especially as it appears in Aaron Beck's classic introduction to the subject, Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders. The motivation for this article is both theoretical and practical in nature: Theoretical, because Aquinas provides a profound and cogent philosophical framework for CT, which in turn is able to draw out much that is only implicit in Aquinas's thought; practical, because APP offers useful insights and suggests interesting lines of development for CT. Finally, I suggest that the disagreements dividing the various different psychologies and their related approaches to the emotional disorders may be due to a failure to grasp the dynamic structure of the human psyche at a level that can be reached only through careful philosophical analysis, a feat I believe Aquinas to have in large measure achieved.
机译:尽管托马斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)从未对情绪障碍进行过阐述,但他在哲学心理学中预见了认知疗法(CT)的所有主要原理和方法。哲学家和心理学家都没有注意到这一事实。本文的目的是通过争论阿奎那的哲学心理学(APP)可以作为CT的理论框架来论证这两种心理学的互补性,尤其是在亚伦·贝克(Aaron Beck)对主题“认知疗法和情感疗法”的经典介绍中所出现的情况。疾病本文的动机本质上是理论上的,也是实践上的:理论上的,因为阿奎那为CT提供了深刻而有力的哲学框架,反过来又可以得出阿奎那思想中所隐含的很多内容;实用,因为APP可提供有用的见解并建议CT的有趣发展方向。最后,我建议将分歧不同的心理学及其对情感障碍的方法进行划分的分歧可能是由于未能将人类心理的动态结构掌握在只有通过仔细的哲学分析才能达到的水平,这是一项壮举我相信阿奎那在很大程度上可以实现。



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