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The Self-Consistency of the Kinematics of Special Relativity, Part VI. Einstein's Argument in Special Relativity Concerning 'Time Travel' Is Substantially Correct After All; and Smoothed Polygons


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What I previously called "Einstein's Slip " wasn 't a slip after all: "time travel" is a correct inference from KSTR: my slightly subtle mistake about this matter occurred in Part V(A). This correction doesn 't imply an inconsistency in KSTR, although it would appear to do so to those who regard time travel as logically impossible. Arthur or A is stationary in an inertial system, and Bertha or B travels relative to Arthur with constant speed v in a closed path U According to A she takes time t but according to B she takes less time, the difference in the times (the lag) being (1 - f')t, where y= (1 - v /c2)" 2, at least closely. Einstein, in effect, arrived at this formula precisely for the case where II is a circle by saying in 1905 in his first article on (special) relativity, "[i]fwe may assume that the formula [as cited above] for polygons can be assumed for smooth curves. " But motion along a polygon with constant speed requires infinite acceleration at the vertices and so is physically impossible. We make Einstein's argument closer to physical reality by replacing the polygons by smoothed polygons in a well-defined sense. (For the sake of generality we allow the smoothed polygons to lie in more than two spatial dimensions.) For the case where His a circle Einstein arrived at the same inference as does a limiting argument in which the circle is regarded as the limit of a sequence of regular polygons.
机译:我以前所谓的“爱因斯坦滑坡”毕竟不是滑坡:“时间旅行”是KSTR的正确推论:我对此事略微的错误发生在第五部分(A)中。这种校正并不意味着KSTR不一致,尽管对于那些认为在逻辑上不可能进行时间​​旅行的人来说,这似乎是这样做的。亚瑟(Arthur)或A在惯性系统中静止不动,而伯莎(Bertha)或B(B)在恒定路径U中以恒定速度v相对于亚瑟(Arthur)移动。根据A,她花费时间t,但是根据B,她花费的时间更少,时间差(滞后)等于(1- f')t,其中y =(1-v / c2)“ 2,至少紧密相关。实际上,爱因斯坦在1905年通过说II是一个圆的情况精确地得出了该公式在他的(狭义相对论)第一篇文章中,“ [i] fwe可以假设多边形的公式(如上所述)可以假定为平滑曲线。 “但是,以恒定速度沿多边形运动需要在顶点处无限加速,因此这在物理上是不可能的。我们通过在定义明确的意义上用平滑的多边形替换多边形,使爱因斯坦的论点更接近物理现实。(出于一般性考虑,允许将平滑的多边形放置在两个以上的空间维度上。)对于His a圆,爱因斯坦得出的推论与极限论点得出的推论相同,在极限论证中,圆被视为正则多边形序列的极限。



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