
The life-history basis of behavioural innovations


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The evolutionary origin of innovativeness remains puzzling because innovating means responding to novel or unusual problems and hence is unlikely to be selected by itself. A plausible alternative is considering innovativeness as a co-opted product of traits that have evolved for other functions yet together predispose individuals to solve problems by adopting novel behaviours. However, this raises the question of why these adaptations should evolve together in an animal. Here, we develop the argument that the adaptations enabling animals to innovate evolve together because they are jointly part of a life-history, strategy for coping with environmental changes. In support of this claim, we present comparative evidence showing that in birds, (i) innovative propensity is linked to life histories that prioritize future over current reproduction, (ii) the link is in part explained by differences in brain size, and (iii) innovative propensity and life-history traits may evolve together in generalist species that frequently expose themselves to novel or unusual conditions. Combined with previous evidence, these findings suggest that innovativeness is not a specialized adaptation but more likely part of a broader general adaptive system to cope with changes in the environment.
机译:创新的进化起源仍然令人困惑,因为创新意味着对新颖的或不寻常的问题做出反应,因此不可能自行选择。可行的替代方法是将创新视为已被选作其他功能的特质的共同产物,同时又使个体倾向于采用新行为来解决问题。但是,这提出了一个问题,即为什么这些适应性因素应在动物中一起进化。在这里,我们提出这样的论点,即使动物能够进行创新的适应性共同进化,因为它们共同构成了应对环境变化的生命史,战略的一部分。为了支持这一主张,我们提供了比较证据,表明在鸟类中,(i)创新倾向与将未来重于当前繁殖的生命历史联系在一起,(ii)这种联系部分由大脑大小的差异来解释,并且(iii )创新倾向和生活史特征可能会在通才物种中共同发展,这些物种经常使自己面临新奇或异常的条件。结合先前的证据,这些发现表明,创新不是专门的适应,而是更广泛的通用适应系统应对环境变化的一部分。



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