
Investigating the biology of consciousness


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The fact that consciousness is a private, first-person phenomenon makes it more difficult to study than other cognitive phenomena that, although being equally private, also have characteristic behavioural signatures. Nonetheless, by combining cognitive and neurobiological methods, it is possible to approach consciousness, to describe its cognitive nature, its behavioural correlates, its possible evolutionary origin and functional role; last but not least, it is possible to investigate its neuroanatomical and neurophysiological underpinnings. In this brief essay I distinguish between two kinds of consciousness: core consciousness and extended consciousness. Core consciousness corresponds to the transient process that is incessantly generated relative to any object with which an organism interacts, and during which a transient core self and transient sense of knowing are automatically generated. Core consciousness requires neither language nor working memory, and needs only a brief short-term memory. Extended consciousness is a more complex process. It depends on the gradual build-up of an autobiographical self, a set of conceptual memories pertaining to both past and anticipated experiences of an individual, and it requires conventional memory. Extended consciousness is enhanced by language. [References: None]
机译:意识是一种私人的,第一人称的现象这一事实使它比其他虽然具有同样的私人特征但也具有特征性行为特​​征的认知现象更难以研究。但是,通过结合认知和神经生物学方法,可以接近意识,描述其认知性质,行为相关性,可能的进化起源和功能作用。最后但并非最不重要的是,有可能研究其神经解剖学和神经生理学基础。在这篇简短的文章中,我区分两种意识:核心意识和扩展意识。核心意识对应于相对于有机体相互作用的任何物体不断产生的短暂过程,在此过程中,会自动产生短暂的核心自我和短暂的知觉。核心意识既不需要语言也不需要工作记忆,只需要简短的短期记忆即可。扩展意识是一个更复杂的过程。它取决于自传式自我的逐步建立,与个人过去和预期经历有关的一组概念性记忆,并且它需要常规记忆。语言可以增强意识。 [参考:无]



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