
Disentangling DNA during replication: a tale of two strands


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The seminal papers by Watson and Crick in 1953 on the structure and function of DNA clearly enunciated the challenge their model presented of how the intertwined strands of DNA are unwound and separated for replication to occur. We first give a historical overview of the major discoveries in the past 50 years that address this challenge. We then describe in more detail the cellular mechanisms responsible for the unlinking of DNA. No single strategy on its own accounts for the complete unlinking of chromosomes required for DNA segregation to proceed. Rather, it is the combined effects of topoisomerase action, chromosome organization and DNA-condensing proteins that allow the successful partitioning of chromosomes into dividing cells. Finally, we propose a model of chromosome structure, consistent with recent findings, that explains how the problem of unlinking is alleviated by the division of chromosomal DNA into manageably sized domains. [References: 48]
机译:Watson和Crick在1953年发表的有关DNA的结构和功能的开创性论文清楚地阐明了他们的模型提出的挑战,即如何解开缠绕在一起的DNA链并分离它们以进行复制。我们首先对过去50年来应对这一挑战的主要发现进行历史回顾。然后,我们将更详细地描述负责DNA脱链的细胞机制。没有任何一种单独的策略可以完全消除进行DNA分离所需的染色体。相反,正是拓扑异构酶作用,染色体组织和DNA浓缩蛋白的共同作用才使染色体成功划分为分裂细胞。最后,我们提出了一种与最近的发现相一致的染色体结构模型,该模型解释了如何通过将染色体DNA划分为可控制大小的域来缓解解链问题。 [参考:48]



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