首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Climate change and evolving human diversity in Europe during the last glacial

Climate change and evolving human diversity in Europe during the last glacial


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A link between climate change and human evolution during the Pleistocene has often been assumed but rarely tested. At the macro-evolutionary level Foley showed for hominids that extinction, rather than speciation, correlates with environmental change as recorded in the deep sea record. Our aim is to examine this finding at a smaller scale and with high-resolution environmental and archaeological archives. Our interest is in changing patterns of human dispersal under shifting Pleistocene climates during the last glacial period in Europe. Selecting this time frame and region allows us to observe how two hominid taxa, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, adapted to climatic conditions during oxygen isotope stage 3. These taxa are representative of two hominid adaptive radiations, termed terrestrial and aquatic, which exhibited different habitat preferences but similar tolerances to climatic factors. Their response to changing ecological conditions was predicated upon their ability to extend their societies in space and time. We examine this difference further using a database of all available radiocarbon determinations from western Europe in the late glacial. These data act as proxies for population history, and in particular the expansion and contraction of regional populations as climate changed rapidly. Independent assessment of these processes is obtained from the genetic history of Europeans. The results indicate that climate affects population contraction rather than expansion. We discuss the consequences for genetic and cultural diversity which led to the legacy of the Ice Age: a single hominid species, globally distributed. [References: 87]
机译:人们普遍认为,更新世期间气候变化与人类进化之间存在联系,但很少经过检验。在宏观进化论层面上,弗利向人类展示了灭绝而不是物种形成与深海记录所记录的环境变化有关。我们的目的是在较小规模且具有高分辨率环境和考古档案的情况下检查此发现。我们的兴趣是在欧洲最后一个冰川时期,在不断变化的更新世气候下改变人类的传播方式。选择此时间范围和区域,使我们能够观察到两个人本类群,尼安德特人和克罗马农人在氧同位素第3阶段如何适应气候条件。这两个类群代表了两种人本型适应性辐射,称为陆生和水生,表现出不同的生境偏好,但对气候因素的容忍度相似。他们对不断变化的生态条件的反应取决于他们在空间和时间上扩展社会的能力。我们使用冰川末期所有来自西欧的可用放射性碳测定值的数据库,进一步研究了这种差异。这些数据可以作为人口历史的代理,尤其是随着气候的迅速变化,区域人口的膨胀和收缩。这些过程的独立评估是从欧洲人的遗传史中获得的。结果表明,气候影响人口收缩而不是扩张。我们讨论了导致冰河时代遗留的遗传和文化多样性的后果:单一的人类物种,全球分布。 [参考:87]



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