首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Eszopiclone facilitation of the antidepressant efficacy of fluoxetine using a social defeat stress model.

Eszopiclone facilitation of the antidepressant efficacy of fluoxetine using a social defeat stress model.


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This study analyzed the interaction of the sleep aid eszopiclone (ESZ) and antidepressant fluoxetine (FLX) on social defeat stress (SDS) in the mouse. Beta adrenoreceptors, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) expression in the hippocampus and frontal cortex were also analyzed. Subjects were adult male 'intruder' C57/B6 mice that were exposed to a retired 'resident' male breeder ICR mouse in this animal's home cage for a 5 min period for each of 10 consecutive days, and the resident established physical dominance. The following day, all animals were assigned to one of four drug treatment groups, and treatment was given for up to 18 days: vehicle, ESZ only (3mg/kg), FLX (10mg/kg) only, or ESZ+FLX. A social interaction test was given on days 1, 5, 10, and 15 of drug treatment to assess SDS. Results showed that the ESZ+FLX group spent less time in avoidance zones during the interaction test at days 1 and 5, and more time in the interaction zone at day 5 compared to defeated mice given vehicle. All drug treatment groups spent more time in the interaction zone compared to defeated mice given vehicle on day 1 as well as day 10. SDS completely dissipated by the fourth interaction test according to both behavioral measures. Neurochemically, SDS did not produce changes in any marker analyzed. This study shows the combination of ESZ and FLX alleviated SDS, but a neurochemical correlate remains elusive.
机译:这项研究分析了睡眠辅助剂eszopiclone(ESZ)和抗抑郁药氟西汀(FLX)对小鼠社交失衡压力(SDS)的相互作用。还分析了海马和额叶皮层中的β肾上腺素受体,脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)和cAMP反应元件结合蛋白(CREB)的表达。受试者是成年雄性“入侵者” C57 / B6小鼠,连续10天每天在此动物的家笼中与退休的“居住”雄性种犬ICR小鼠接触5分钟,并且居住者建立了身体优势。第二天,将所有动物分为四个药物治疗组之一,并给予长达18天的治疗:溶媒,仅ESZ(3mg / kg),仅FLX(10mg / kg)或ESZ + FLX。在药物治疗的第1、5、10和15天进行了社交互动测试,以评估SDS。结果显示,与接受媒介物治疗的小鼠相比,ESZ + FLX组在第1天和第5天的交互测试中在回避区花费的时间更少,而在第5天在交互区中花费的时间更长。与在第1天和第10天接受媒介物治疗的小鼠相比,所有药物治疗组在互动区花费的时间都更多。根据两种行为指标,第四次互动测试完全消散了SDS。从神经化学上讲,SDS不会在所分析的任何标记物中产生变化。这项研究表明,ESZ和FLX的组合减轻了SDS,但神经化学相关性仍然难以捉摸。



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