首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Effects of buspirone on the immediate positive and delayed negative properties of intravenous cocaine as measured in the conditioned place preference test.

Effects of buspirone on the immediate positive and delayed negative properties of intravenous cocaine as measured in the conditioned place preference test.


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In prior work, we have demonstrated that the behavioral effects of cocaine adhere to the predictions of the opponent-process theory of drug action. Animals develop conditioned place preferences for distinct locations paired with the immediate effects of IV cocaine, but learn to avoid places paired with the effects present 15-min post-injection. It was of interest to assess the putative role of 5-HT in producing the negative properties of cocaine since cocaine acts to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin (5-HT) and since such actions have been associated with anxiogenic consequences. Male rats were administered a reinforcing dose of cocaine (1.0 mg/kg IV) and then placed - either immediately or after a 15-min delay - into one side of a two-compartment (black-white) conditioned place preference (CPP) box for 5-min. On alternate days, the animals received IV saline injections and were placed in the opposite side of the CPP box. This continued for eight days after which animals had experienced 4 pairings of cocaine with one side (black or white) of the CPP apparatus, and 4 saline pairings with the opposite side. Other groups of rats were treated identically except that 30-min prior to placement into the apparatus, these animals received an IP injection of saline or buspirone (a partial 5-HT1A agonist) at a dose that we have shown to be anxiolytic (2.5 mg/kg IP). Control animals experienced either buspirone or saline pretreatments without cocaine. Our results confirm that animals increase the time spent on the side paired with the immediate effects of cocaine (compared to baseline), but tend to avoid the side paired with effects present 15-min post-injection. Buspirone had no effect on the immediate rewarding properties of cocaine, but completely reversed the negative properties present 15-min post-cocaine. These results are consistent with the view that attenuation of 5-HT neurotransmission (via the autoreceptor agonist properties of buspirone) can reverse the negative impact of IV cocaine.
机译:在先前的工作中,我们证明了可卡因的行为效应符合药物作用的反对者过程理论的预测。动物会针对不同位置产生条件性位置偏爱,并与静脉注射可卡因的即时作用配对,但要学会避免注射后15分钟出现与效应配对的场所。评估5-HT在产生可卡因阴性特性中的假定作用是令人感兴趣的,因为可卡因起抑制5-羟色胺(5-HT)再摄取的作用,并且由于这种作用与焦虑症相关。给雄性大鼠补充剂量的可卡因(1.0 mg / kg静脉注射),然后-立即或在延迟15分钟后-将其置于两室(黑白)条件性位置偏爱(CPP)盒的一侧持续5分钟。在隔天,将动物接受静脉注射生理盐水注射,并置于CPP盒的相对侧。这持续了八天,之后动物在CPP装置的一侧(黑色或白色)经历了4对可卡因的配对,而另一侧经历了4对盐水的配对。除在放入设备前30分钟外,对这些其他大鼠组进行了相同的治疗,这些动物接受了IP注射的盐水或丁螺环酮(部分5-HT1A激动剂)的IP注射剂量,已证明具有抗焦虑作用(2.5 mg / kg IP)。对照动物在没有可卡因的情况下进行了丁螺环酮或盐水预处理。我们的结果证实,动物增加了与可卡因即时作用(与基线相比)配对的一侧所花费的时间,但倾向于避免与注射后15分钟出现效应的配对。丁螺环酮对可卡因的即刻回报特性没有影响,但完全逆转了可卡因后15分钟的阴性特性。这些结果与以下观点一致:5-羟色胺神经传递的减弱(通过丁螺环酮的自身受体激动剂性质)可以逆转静脉注射可卡因的负面影响。



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