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The spatio-temporal patterning of Hoxa9 and Hoxa13 in the developing zebrafish enteric nervous system.


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BACKGROUND: Hirschsprung's disease is characterised by the absence of ganglion cells in the distal bowel, a process which is controlled by complex genetic pathways. Homeobox genes have a major role in gut development and this is depicted by the enteric Hox code which describes the different spatial and temporal expression of Hox genes. Hoxa9 and Hoxa13 mutations have been discovered in patients with Hirschsprung's disease (HD). The aim of this study was to determine the spatio-temporal pattern of Hoxa9 and Hoxa13 in enteric nervous system (ENS) development using the zebrafish model. METHODS: Purified plasmids that contained the gene of interest were obtained and inoculated into culture medium to exponentially increase the number of bacteria containing the plasmid. Cells were then harvested by centrifugation and plasmid DNA was extracted, which was then linearised and precipitated. RNA digoxigenin-labelled probes were made by in vitro transcription reaction. In situ hybridisation was carried out using these probes on zebrafish embryos which were collected from 24 to 120 h post fertilisation (hpf), by which time the zebrafish intestine is fully developed. Embryos were then mounted in glycerol and imaged using an Olympus B40 microscope and images were taken using an Olympus Super F1.8 digital camera. RESULTS: At 24 hpf, Hoxa9 expression is seen in the forebrain and hindbrain and also in the very distal myotome whereas Hoxa13 expression, however, is seen only at the forebrain and hindbrain. At 48 hpf, Hoxa9- and Hoxa13-labelled cells are seen migrating distally from the forebrain into the notochord and spinal cord. At 72 hpf, Hoxa9-labelled cells can be seen throughout the spinal cord whereas Hoxa13 positive cells are seen migrating down from the spinal cord and in the proximal gut. By 96 hpf, Hoxa9- and Hoxa13-labelled cells have migrated down the full length of the spinal cord and along the proximal and mid intestine. By 120 hpf, Hoxa9 and Hoxa13 positive cells can be seen along the entire length of the zebrafish intestine. CONCLUSIONS: These results show further evidence that Hoxa9 and Hoxa13 are involved in the early and organised patterning of ENS development in the zebrafish model.
机译:背景:大肠蠕动病的特征是远端肠中不存在神经节细胞,这一过程受复杂的遗传途径控制。同源异型框基因在肠道发育中起主要作用,这由肠霍克斯密码来描述,该密码描述了霍克斯基因的不同时空表达。在患有赫氏弹簧病(HD)的患者中发现了Hoxa9和Hoxa13突变。这项研究的目的是确定使用斑马鱼模型在肠道神经系统(ENS)发育中Hoxa9和Hoxa13的时空模式。方法:获得了含有目的基因的纯化质粒,并将其接种到培养基中以成倍增加含有该质粒的细菌的数量。然后通过离心收集细胞,并提取质粒DNA,然后将其线性化并沉淀。 RNA洋地黄毒苷标记的探针通过体外转录反应制备。使用这些探针在斑马鱼胚胎上进行原位杂交,这些胚胎是在受精后(hpf)的24至120小时内收集的,此时斑马鱼的肠道已完全发育。然后将胚胎安装在甘油中,并使用Olympus B40显微镜成像,并使用Olympus Super F1.8数码相机拍摄图像。结果:在24 hpf时,Hoxa9表达在前脑和后脑以及远侧的子宫肌瘤中均可见,而Hoxa13表达仅在前脑和后脑中可见。在48 hpf时,可以看到Hoxa9和Hoxa13标记的细胞从前脑向远端迁移到脊索和脊髓中。在72 hpf时,可以在整个脊髓中看到Hoxa9标记的细胞,而可以看到Hoxa13阳性细胞从脊髓向下迁移到近端肠道。到96 hpf时,Hoxa9和Hoxa13标记的细胞已沿着脊髓的全长向下并沿近肠和中肠迁移。到120 hpf时,可以在斑马鱼肠的整个长度上看到Hoxa9和Hoxa13阳性细胞。结论:这些结果进一步证明了Hoxa9和Hoxa13参与了斑马鱼模型中ENS发育的早期和有组织的模式。



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