首页> 外文期刊>Pedosphere: A Quarterly Journal of Soil Science >Object-Based Method Outperforms Per-Pixel Method for Land Cover Classification in a Protected Area of the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest Region

Object-Based Method Outperforms Per-Pixel Method for Land Cover Classification in a Protected Area of the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest Region


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Conventional image classification based on pixels hinders the possibilities to obtain information contained in images, while modern object-based classification methods increase the acquisition of information about the object and the context in which it is inserted in the image. The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of different classification methods for land cover mapping in the vicinity of the Alto Ribeira Tourist State Park, a Brazilian Atlantic rainforest area. Two classification methods were tested, including i) a hybrid per-pixel classification using the image processing software ERDAS Imagine version 9.1 and ii) an object-based classification using the software eCognition version 5. In the first method, six differentclasses were established, while in the second method, another two classes were established in addition to the six classes in the first method. Accuracy assessment of the classification results presented showed that the object-based classification with aKappa index value of 0.8687 outperformed the per-pixel classification with a Kappa index value of 0.2224. Application of the user's knowledge during the object-based classification process achieved the desired quality; therefore, the use of inter-relationships between objects, superclasses, subclasses, and neighboring classes were critical to improving the efficiency of land cover classification.
机译:基于像素的常规图像分类阻碍了获取图像中包含的信息的可能性,而现代的基于对象的分类方法则增加了有关对象及其在图像中插入的上下文的信息的获取。这项研究的目的是调查在巴西大西洋雨林地区的Alto Ribeira游客国家公园附近进行土地覆盖制图的不同分类方法的性能。测试了两种分类方法,包括:i)使用图像处理软件ERDAS Imagine 9.1版的混合每像素分类,以及ii)使用eCognition版本5的基于对象的分类。在第一种方法中,建立了六个不同的类,而在第二种方法中,除了第一种方法中的六个类之外,还建立了另外两个类。提出的分类结果的准确性评估表明,基于对象的分类的kappa指数值为0.8687,优于按像素分类的kappa指数值为0.2224。在基于对象的分类过程中,用户知识的应用达到了期望的质量;因此,在对象,超类,子类和邻近类之间使用相互关系对于提高土地覆被分类的效率至关重要。



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