首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics >Rhinanthus minor population genetic structure and subspecies: Potential seed sources of a keystone species in grassland restoration projects

Rhinanthus minor population genetic structure and subspecies: Potential seed sources of a keystone species in grassland restoration projects


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In the last few decades unimproved semi-natural grasslands have been affected by intensification of land use and habitat fragmentation. Because of their biodiversity these species-rich grasslands are of high conservation importance and efforts are under way to restore such habitats. Detailed knowledge of within species diversity will aid deciding on the optimal seed source for such restoration projects, e.g. local genotypes or ecotypes. Rhinanthus minor is a species that is typically found in semi-natural grasslands and is commonly used in grassland restoration projects. This is because R. minor is a hemiparasitic plant that takes minerals and nutrients from its host, which in turn decreases the host's biomass and leads to opportunities for less competitive species in the vegetation. Here, we investigate genetic diversity within and between R. minor populations. This allowed us to test whether the six different subspecies of R. minor that have been described in the UK, based on their morphology, flowering time, and habitat, can be differentiated using molecular markers. We identified moderate levels of genetic differentiation between R. minor populations within the UK. In addition, R. minor individuals from the UK appear to be distinct from R. minor and Rhinanthus angustifolius individuals from other European countries based on microsatellite genotyping and DNA sequencing of cpDNA and rDNA ITS. The molecular markers used in the current study did not separate populations of R. minor based on either their subspecies or habitat. The implication for the use of R. minor in grassland restoration projects seems to be that it is not necessary to use local seeds or seeds from the same subspecies.
机译:在过去的几十年中,未经改良的半自然草原受到土地利用和栖息地破碎化的影响。由于这些物种丰富的草原具有生物多样性,因此具有高度的保护重要性,并且正在努力恢复这些栖息地。对物种多样性的详细了解将有助于为此类恢复项目确定最佳种子来源,例如本地基因型或生态型。小犀牛(Rhinanthus minor)是一种常见于半天然草原的物种,通常用于草地恢复项目。这是因为小红毛病是一种半寄生植物,会从其寄主中吸收矿物质和养分,从而降低寄主的生物量,并导致植物中竞争性较低的物种的机会。在这里,我们调查了R.未成年人种群之间的遗传多样性。这使我们能够根据分子的形态,开花时间和生境来测试英国描述的六个小亚种亚种,它们是否可以使用分子标记进行区分。我们确定了英国境内未成年人R.小种群之间的中等遗传分化水平。此外,基于cpDNA和rDNA ITS的微卫星基因分型和DNA测序,英国的未成年人R.个体似乎与其他欧洲国家的未成年人R. and Rhinanthus angustifolius个体不同。当前研究中使用的分子标记未根据其亚种或生境区分小红斑马种群。在草地恢复项目中使用小R.的含义似乎是,没有必要使用本地种子或相同亚种的种子。



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