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The impact of quarantine regulations for terrestrial flatworms on international trade


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The terrestrial flatworm Artioposthia triangulata, a predator of earthworms, is covered by Danish, Icelandic and Swedish phytosanitary legislation and is scheduled under the United Kingdom's Wildlife and Countryside Act. At present these regulations, apart from those of Iceland, do not directly affect international trade. Their effect in controlling the introduction or spread of A. triangulata can be questioned. A wider use of effective phytosanitary measures may be justified within the principles of the Sanitary & Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). Appropriate phytosanitary measures taken in the present situation would probably have a minor effect on the production and trade of any country. However, if A. triangulata (or other alien terrestrial flatworm species) were to become more widely established in the British Isles, and also eventually spread to continental Europe, the direct impact of possible phytosanitary measures taken at a later stage against this organism, as well as the possible influence of a negative public opinion against plants from infested origins, might become substantial.
机译:陆地flat虫Artioposthia triangulata是worm的捕食者,受丹麦,冰岛和瑞典的植物检疫法律的保护,并根据英国的《野生动植物和乡村法》进行了安排。目前,除冰岛的法规外,这些法规均未直接影响国际贸易。可以怀疑它们在控制三角果曲霉的引入或传播中的作用。在《卫生与植物检疫(SPS)协定》和《国际植物保护公约》(IPPC)的原则范围内,更有效地使用有效的植物检疫措施可能是合理的。在目前情况下采取适当的植物检疫措施可能会对任何国家的生产和贸易产生较小的影响。但是,如果要在不列颠群岛上更广泛地建立三角杆线虫(或其他外来陆地扁虫物种),并最终传播到欧洲大陆,则在稍后阶段针对这种生物采取的可能的植物检疫措施的直接影响如下:负面舆论对受侵染植物的可能影响可能会变得很大。



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