首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric critical care medicine: a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies >Pandemic influenza and the critically ill pediatric patient: Addressing the right issues for the 'worst case' scenario

Pandemic influenza and the critically ill pediatric patient: Addressing the right issues for the 'worst case' scenario


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The recent outbreaks of avian influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and influenza A/pHlNl_09 have renewed the public health interest in planning and preparing for the next major influenza pandemic. There were three major influenza pandemics in the last century: 1) the devastating 1918 influenza pandemic (caused by the H1N1 subtype of influenza A virus and commonly referred to as the Spanish flu); 2) the Asian flu pandemic of 1957 (caused by the H2N2 subtype of influenza A); and 3) the Hong Kong flu pandemic of 1968 (caused by the H3N2 subtype of influenza A). The Spanish flu pandemic was associated with a high fatality rate (particularly from secondary bacterial pneumonia) and caused >50 million deaths worldwide. The Asian and Hong Kong flu pandemics were not as deadly, although each was responsible for nearly 1 million deaths worldwide. The recent influenza A/pHlNl_09 outbreak was first noted in the spring of 2009 in Mexico and spread rapidly throughout the southern and northern hemispheres, prompting the World Health Organization to declare the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century on June 11,2009 (1). Hospitals in Australia, New Zealand, and England were hit particularly hard, with as many as 25% of all intensive care unit beds occupied by patients with either suspected or documented pHlNl influenza (2).
机译:最近爆​​发的禽流感,严重急性呼吸系统综合症和A / pH1 / N1_09流感重新激发了公众对计划和为下一次主要流感大流行做好准备的公共卫生兴趣。在上个世纪,发生了三场主要的流感大流行:1)毁灭性的1918年流感大流行(由甲型流感病毒的H1N1亚型引起,通常称为西班牙流感); 2)1957年的亚洲流感大流行(由甲型流感的H2N2亚型引起); 3)1968年的香港流感大流行(由甲型流感的H3N2亚型引起)。西班牙的流感大流行与高死亡率(尤其是继发于细菌性肺炎的死亡率)有关,并导致全世界超过5000万人死亡。尽管亚洲和香港的流感大流行并不致命,尽管它们各自导致了全球近100万人死亡。最近的甲型A / pHlNl_09流感暴发于2009年春季在墨西哥首次发现,并迅速扩散到南半球和北半球,促使世界卫生组织于2009年6月11日宣布21世纪首例流感大流行(1) 。澳大利亚,新西兰和英国的医院受到的打击尤其严重,怀疑或有记录的pH1N1流感患者占据了所有重症监护病房床位的25%(2)。



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