首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Does breastfeeding protect against substantiated child abuse and neglect? A 15-year cohort study.

Does breastfeeding protect against substantiated child abuse and neglect? A 15-year cohort study.


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OBJECTIVES: We explored whether breastfeeding was protective against maternally perpetrated child maltreatment. METHODS: A total of 7223 Australian mother-infant pairs were monitored prospectively over 15 years. In 6621 (91.7%) cases, the duration of breastfeeding was analyzed with respect to child maltreatment (including neglect, physical abuse, and emotional abuse), on the basis of substantiated child protection agency reports. Multinomial logistic regression was used to compare no maltreatment with nonmaternal and maternally perpetrated maltreatment and to adjust for confounding in 5890 cases with complete data (81.5%). Potential confounders included sociodemographic factors, pregnancy wantedness, substance abuse during pregnancy, postpartum employment, attitudes regarding infant caregiving, and symptoms of anxiety or depression. RESULTS: Of 512 children with substantiated maltreatment reports, >60% experienced > or =1 episode of maternally perpetrated abuse or neglect (4.3% of the cohort). The oddsratio for maternal maltreatment increased as breastfeeding duration decreased, with the odds of maternal maltreatment for nonbreastfed children being 4.8 times the odds for children breastfed for > or =4 months. After adjustment for confounding, the odds for nonbreastfed infants remained 2.6 times higher, with no association seen between breastfeeding and nonmaternal maltreatment. Maternal neglect was the only maltreatment subtype associated independently with breastfeeding duration. CONCLUSION: Among other factors, breastfeeding may help to protect against maternally perpetrated child maltreatment, particularly child neglect.
机译:目的:我们探讨了母乳喂养是否可以防止母亲对儿童的虐待。方法:前15年中共对7223对澳大利亚母婴进行了监测。根据确凿的儿童保护机构的报告,对6621例(91.7%)病例中的母乳喂养时间进行了分析,以分析虐待儿童(包括忽视,身体虐待和情感虐待)的情况。多项逻辑回归分析用于比较未虐待与非孕产妇和孕产妇实施的虐待,并在5890例完整数据(81.5%)的病例中对混杂因素进行了调整。潜在的混杂因素包括社会人口统计学因素,怀孕意愿,怀孕期间的药物滥用,产后工作,对婴儿看护的态度以及焦虑或抑郁症状。结果:在512例有确凿的虐待报告的儿童中,> 60%经历过≥= 1例由母亲实施的虐待或忽视事件(占同期队列的4.3%)。随着母乳喂养时间的缩短,母体虐待的几率增加,对于非母乳喂养儿童,母乳喂养的几率是≥4个月或= 4个月母子喂养的几率。调整混杂因素后,非母乳喂养婴儿的几率仍然高2.6倍,母乳喂养与非母体虐待之间没有关联。母乳喂养是唯一与母乳喂养持续时间相关的虐待形式。结论:除其他因素外,母乳喂养可能有助于防止母体虐待儿童,特别是对儿童的忽视。



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