首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Pulmonology >Polysomnography in preterm infants and children with chronic lung disease

Polysomnography in preterm infants and children with chronic lung disease


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Objective To determine the utility of overnight polysomnography (PSG) in assessing pulmonary reserve in stable preterm children with chronic lung disease (CLD). Study design A retrospective review and descriptive study of overnight PSGs and clinic visits of preterm infants/children less than 3 years of age who were diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia at discharge from the hospital and enrolled in the Johns Hopkins CLD patient registry between 2008 and 2010. Results Sixty-two clinically stable patients underwent at least one overnight polysomnogram for clinical indications. The majority of patients were referred for oxygen titration (71%). PSGs from first studies revealed a mean respiratory disturbance index (RDI) of 8.2±10.1 events/hr and a mean O 2 saturation (SaO 2) nadir of 86.2±5.7%. In patients who underwent more than one PSG (n=23), a significant decrease in RDI (P0.001) was found between the first study (mean age: 8.0±3.3 months) and second study (mean age: 13.4±5.2 months). Outpatient clinical measures of mean room air SaO 2 and respiratory rate were not predictive of PSG measures of RDI and SaO 2 nadir. Conclusion Mean RDI was higher in stable preterm infants/children with CLD compared to previously published controls. RDI decreased with age in stable preterm infants/children with CLD suggesting improved pulmonary reserve with age. Outpatient clinical measures (respiratory rate and room air SaO 2) did not correlate with RDI and SaO 2 nadir indicating that overnight PSG is more sensitive in assessing pulmonary reserve than outpatient clinical measures.
机译:目的探讨通宵多导睡眠图(PSG)在评估稳定的早产儿慢性肺病(CLD)患儿肺储备中的作用。研究设计对2008年至2010年间在出院时被诊断出患有支气管肺发育不良并被纳入Johns Hopkins CLD患者登记册的3岁以下早产儿进行夜间PSG和临床就诊的回顾性回顾性研究和描述性研究。结果62例临床稳定的患者接受了至少一夜的多导睡眠图检查,以用于临床指征。大多数患者因氧滴定转诊(71%)。最初研究的PSG显示平均呼吸干扰指数(RDI)为8.2±10.1事件/小时,平均O 2饱和度(SaO 2)最低点为86.2±5.7%。在接受一项以上PSG的患者(n = 23)中,在第一次研究(平均年龄:8.0±3.3个月)和第二次研究(平均年龄:13.4±5.2个月)之间,RDI显着降低(P <0.001)。 )。门诊患者平均室内空气SaO 2和呼吸频率的临床指标不能预测RDI和SaO 2最低点的PSG指标。结论稳定的早产儿/患有CLD的儿童的平均RDI高于先前发表的对照。稳定的早产儿/ CLD患儿的RDI随年龄的增长而降低,提示其肺储备随年龄的增长而改善。门诊临床指标(呼吸频率和室内空气中的SaO 2)与RDI和SaO 2最低点不相关,这表明过夜PSG比门诊临床指标对评估肺储备更为敏感。



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