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Lung abscess due to non-tuberculous, non-Mycobacterium fortuitum in a neonate


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Although Mycobacterium fortuitum (MF) is a non-tuberculous mycobacterium that rarely causes disease, there are reported cases of pneumonia, lung abscess, and empyema in subjects with predisposing lung disease. We report a neonate, without predisposing disease or risk factors, who manifested pneumonia and lung abscess. The patient was initially treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and gentamycin, and subsequently with piperazilin, tazobactam, and vancomycin when there was no improvement. Pleural nodules were detected on computed tomography, and microbiology revealed MF in the absence of other pathogens and a week later the organism was identified in culture as MF, confirmed on four separate samples. The MF was sensitive to amikacin and clarithromycin and the patient was continued on oral clarithromycin for two more weeks until full recovery. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of MF abscess in a neonate. MF should be sought in similar patients, especially when microbiology fails to detect the usual pathogens, and when the clinical picture is unclear. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2012. 47:1034-1037.
机译:尽管Fortuitum fortuitum(MF)是一种非结核性分枝杆菌,很少引起疾病,但有报告称患有易感性肺病的患者患有肺炎,肺脓肿和脓胸。我们报告了一个新生儿,没有易感疾病或危险因素,但表现出肺炎和肺脓肿。该患者最初接受阿莫西林-克拉维酸和庆大霉素治疗,如果情况没有改善,则随后接受哌拉西林,他唑巴坦和万古霉素治疗。在计算机断层扫描上检测到胸膜结节,微生物学检查显示MF在没有其他病原体的情况下出现,一周后该微生物在培养中被鉴定为MF,并在四个单独的样品上得到证实。 MF对丁胺卡那霉素和克拉霉素敏感,患者继续口服克拉霉素持续两周直至完全康复。据我们所知,这是新生儿中首例报道的MF脓肿病例。在类似的患者中应寻求MF,尤其是当微生物学无法检测到常见病原体并且临床情况不清楚时。小儿科薄荷油。 2012. 47:1034-1037。



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