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Infection control knowledge, attitudes, and practices among cystic fibrosis patients and their families


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Background In 2003, the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation in the United States published evidence-based infection control guidelines and distributed these to CF care centers. However, it is unclear how well the guidelines have been disseminated to patients and families, how well patients and families understand the principles of infection control, and what barriers they experience implementing the guidelines. Methods We assessed infection control knowledge, attitudes, and practices among CF patients and their families at 17 randomly selected CF centers. Anonymous surveys were completed by CF patients (≤yen;16 years old) or their family members (patients <16 years old). To adjust for similarities of patients within each center, generalized estimating equations regression was used. Results From January 2007 to May 2009, 1,399 respondents completed surveys of whom 38% were patients and 62% were family members (overall mean age of patients=14 years). Overall, 65% of respondents were aware of the CF infection control guidelines, but only 30% had discussed them more than once with their CF care team. More than one discussion was associated with increased knowledge of infection control, including routes of pathogen transmission; the importance of avoiding close contact with other CF patients; increased confidence in practicing infection control; and increased belief in the health benefits of infection control. Conclusions This study revealed that many CF patients and families are aware of the infection control guidelines, but that few had discussed them more than once with their CF teams. These findings underscore the importance of engaging patients and their families in regular discussions about infection control that address questions and concerns including the potential impact of infection control on health and well-being. Further strategies are needed to overcome barriers to implementing these guidelines.
机译:背景技术2003年,美国囊性纤维化(CF)基金会发布了基于证据的感染控制指南,并将其分发给CF护理中心。但是,目前尚不清楚该指南如何向患者和家庭传播,患者和家庭对感染控制原则的理解程度如何,以及他们在实施该指南时遇到了哪些障碍。方法我们评估了随机选择的17个CF中心中CF患者及其家人的感染控制知识,态度和做法。 CF患者(≤日元; 16岁)或其家人(<16岁的患者)完成了匿名调查。为了调整每个中心内患者的相似性,使用了广义估计方程回归。结果从2007年1月至2009年5月,有1,399名受访者完成了调查,其中38%为患者,62%为家庭成员(患者的平均平均年龄= 14岁)。总体而言,有65%的受访者了解CF感染控制指南,但只有30%的受访者与其CF护理小组讨论了不止一次。与增加的感染控制知识(包括病原体传播途径)有关的讨论不止一次。避免与其他CF患者密切接触的重要性;对实施感染控制的信心增强;对感染控制对健康有益的信念日益增强。结论这项研究表明,许多CF患者及其家属都知道感染控制指南,但很少有人与CF小组讨论过多次。这些发现强调了让患者及其家人参与有关感染控制的定期讨论的重要性,这些讨论解决了各种问题和疑虑,包括感染控制对健康和福祉的潜在影响。需要采取进一步的策略来克服实施这些准则的障碍。



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