首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Land Snail Fauna of Me Aure Cave (WMD007), Moindou, New Caledonia: Human Introductions and Faunal Change

Land Snail Fauna of Me Aure Cave (WMD007), Moindou, New Caledonia: Human Introductions and Faunal Change

机译:Me Aure Cave的陆地蜗牛动物区系(WMD007),新喀里多尼亚Moindou:人类介绍和动物群落变化

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The land snail fauna excavated from a cave at Me′ Aure′ on the central southwestern coast of New Caledonia represents a period of over 3000 yr, from before human arrival in the island to the present. The material excavated represents 20 terrestrial species in nine families. The fauna reflects the overall land snail fauna of New Caledonia in being dominated by small snails in the families Charopidae and Rhytididae, with large Placostylus species (Bulimulidae) present and minor representation of other families. Two alien species are present: Allopeas gracile, probably introduced before European arrival, and Achatina fulica, introduced in 1972. There are suggestions of change in the composition of the fauna, perhaps associated with the arrival of Europeans and the replacement of native by alien vegetation, with Andrefrancia vetula and possibly A. saisseti declining and Rhytida aulacospira increasing.
机译:从新喀里多尼亚西南部中部西南海岸Me'Aure'的一个山洞中挖出的陆地蜗牛动物区系从人类到达该岛到现在的3000多年。挖掘出的材料代表了9个科的20种陆地物种。该动物群反映了新喀里多尼亚的整个陆地蜗牛动物区系,其中以Char科(Charopidae)和犀科(Rhytididae)科中的小蜗牛为主,其中有大型的Placostylus物种(Bulimulidae),而其他科的代表较小。目前存在两种外来物种:可能在欧洲到来之前引入的Allopeas gracile和在1972年引入的Achatina fulica。有人建议改变动物区系,这可能与欧洲人的到来以及外来植被取代本地人有关,Andrefrancia vetula和A. saisseti可能下降,而Rhytida aulacospira则增加。



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