首页> 外文期刊>Pain. >Dorsal root entry zone lesioning for pain after brachial plexus avulsion: results with special emphasis on differential effects on the paroxysmal versus the continuous components. A prospective study in a 29-patient consecutive series.

Dorsal root entry zone lesioning for pain after brachial plexus avulsion: results with special emphasis on differential effects on the paroxysmal versus the continuous components. A prospective study in a 29-patient consecutive series.


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Pain after brachial plexus avulsion (BPA) is generally characterized by 2 main different components: paroxysmal (electrical shooting-like) pain, and continuous (burning) pain. Dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) lesioning, namely, the microsurgical DREZotomy (MDT) used in our practice, has proved to be a worthwhile neurosurgical treatment for this indication. However, according to previous studies, the method does not seem to demonstrate as good effectiveness in patients in whom the continuous background of pain was predominant as in patients with the paroxysmal component predominating. To obtain more insight into this problem, a prospective study on an eventual differential effect of the MDT procedure on the 2 components was undertaken. The presented series included 29 consecutive patients affected with pain after BPA who underwent an operation over the 10 last years. Pain intensity was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS). At last evaluation of the 26 patients followed for 12 to 122 months (60 months on average) after MDT, 76.9% had a good or excellent global pain relief after surgery, ie, pain control with or without additional nonopioid medications, respectively. According to the component types of pain, 84.6% of patients had good or excellent control of the paroxysmal pain, and 73.1% of the continuous pain. Kaplan-Meier prediction of lasting global pain control at 120 months of follow-up was calculated at 41.1%. Comparison of the 2 corresponding Kaplan-Meier curves at long term, namely, pain control in 76.2% for the paroxysmal component and in 43.1% for the continuous component, showed a statistically significant difference (P=.038). Hypotheses for this relative differential effect are discussed.
机译:臂丛神经撕脱伤(BPA)后的疼痛通常具有两个主要不同特征:阵发性(电射击样)疼痛和持续性(灼痛)疼痛。背根进入区(DREZ)病变,即在我们的实践中使用的显微外科DREZotomy(MDT),已被证明是针对这种适应症的神经外科治疗方法。但是,根据以前的研究,该方法似乎对以持续性疼痛为主要背景的患者没有表现出比以阵发性成分为主的患者良好的疗效。为了获得对该问题的更多了解,对MDT程序最终对这2个组件产生了不同的影响进行了前瞻性研究。提出的系列包括连续10年来接受BPA手术后疼痛痛苦的29例患者。使用视觉模拟量表(VAS)评估疼痛强度。在对26名患者进行最后一次评估后,MDT后持续12到122个月(平均60个月),有76.9%的患者术后总体疼痛缓解良好或优异,即分别采用或不采用其他非阿片类药物进行疼痛控制。根据疼痛的成分类型,有84.6%的患者对阵发性疼痛的控制良好或良好,持续性疼痛的控制率为73.1%。 Kaplan-Meier预测在120个月的随访中持久控制全球疼痛的预测为41.1%。长期比较两条相应的Kaplan-Meier曲线,即阵发性成分的疼痛控制为76.2%,连续成分为43.1%,显示出统计学上的显着差异(P = .038)。讨论了这种相对微分效应的假设。



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