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Determinants of success and failure of EMLA.


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Although EMLA is known to be an effective topical anesthetic, its rate of success is unknown. Indeed, researchers have suggested that EMLA may fail with young and apprehensive children. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to assess EMLA's rate of success as well as factors which predict success. A double-blind, placebo-controlled design was utilized. The sample included 258 children and adolescents aged 5-18 years who were having venipuncture or intravenous (i.v.) cannulation. After having their anxiety assessed, subjects were randomly assigned to have EMLA or placebo applied over the procedure site for 90 min. The visual analogue scale was used to assess pain caused by removal of the semi-permeable dressing and by the procedure. Other information that was collected included: duration of drug application, interval between drug removal and procedure, skin changes at bandage and drug sites and rated difficulty of the procedure. EMLA was successful 84% of the time for venipuncture and 51% of the time for i.v. cannulation. Factors which predicted success of EMLA included type of procedure, duration of drug application and anxiety. EMLA was less successful for i.v. cannulation compared to venipuncture even with duration of drug application controlled. Those who had a poor outcome were more anxious than those with a good outcome. Age of child was not a factor. Strategies for improving efficient use of EMLA were recommended.
机译:尽管已知EMLA是一种有效的局部麻醉剂,但其成功率尚不清楚。实际上,研究人员已经提出,EMLA对于年幼而令人担忧的孩子可能会失败。因此,本研究的目的是评估EMLA的成功率以及预测成功的因素。采用了双盲,安慰剂对照的设计。样本包括258名5-18岁的儿童和青少年,他们接受了静脉穿刺或静脉(i.v.)插管。在评估了他们的焦虑之后,将受试者随机分配在手术部位上应用EMLA或安慰剂90分钟。视觉模拟量表用于评估由去除半透性敷料和手术引起的疼痛。收集的其他信息包括:药物使用的持续时间,药物去除与操作之间的间隔,绷带和药物部位的皮肤变化以及操作的额定难度。 EMLA进行静脉穿刺的成功率为84%,静脉内穿刺的成功率为51%。插管。预测EMLA成功的因素包括手术类型,药物使用时间和焦虑。 EMLA在i.v.与静脉穿刺术相比,即使在控制药物应用持续时间的情况下,也可以进行插管。结果差的人比结果好的人更焦虑。孩子的年龄不是一个因素。建议了改善EMLA有效使用的策略。



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