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Sleep disorders in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) recorded overnight by video-polysomnography


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Objective: To outline specific sleep disturbances in different clinical subsets of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and to confirm, by means of nocturnal video-polysomnography (video-PSG), a variety of sleep disorders in ADHD besides the classically described periodic leg movement disorder (PLMD), restless legs syndrome (RLS) and sleep related breathing disorder (SRBD). Methods: Fifty-five ADHD children (47 M, 8F; mean age = 8.9y) were included: 16 had Inattentive and 39 Hyperactive/Impulsive or Combined ADHD subtype. Behavior assessment by Conners and SNAP-IV Scales, a structured sleep interview and a nocturnal video-PSG were administered. Results: Most children/parents reported disturbed, fragmentary sleep at night; complaints were motor restlessness (50%), sleep walking (47.6%), night terrors (38%), confusional arousals (28.5%), snoring (21.4%), and leg discomfort at night associated with RLS (11.9%). There is a significant difference (p value <0.05 or <0.001) in almost all the studied sleep variables between ADHD children and controls. International RLS Rating Scale scoring, Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep (PLMS) and Wake (PLMW) indexes, hyperactivity and opposition scores and ADHD subtype appear related. Different sleep disorders seem to address specific ADHD phenotypes and correlate with severity of symptoms as in sleep related movement disorders occurring in Hyperactive/Impulsive and Combined ADHD subtypes. Besides, an abnormality of the arousal process in slow wave sleep with consequent abnormal prevalence of disorders of arousal possibly enhanced by SRBD has also been detected in 52% of our sample. Conclusions: This study underlines the opportunity to propose and promote the inclusion of sleep studies, possibly by video-PSG, as part of the diagnostic screening for ADHD. This strategy could address the diagnosis and treatment of different specific ADHD phenotypic expressions that might be relevant to children's symptoms and contribute to ADHD severity.
机译:目的:概述注意力缺陷/多动症(ADHD)的不同临床亚群中的特定睡眠障碍,并通过夜间视频多导睡眠图(video-PSG)确认除经典描述的周期性腿病外,ADHD中的多种睡眠障碍运动障碍(PLMD),不安腿综合征(RLS)和睡眠相关的呼吸障碍(SRBD)。方法:包括55名多动症儿童(47 M,8F;平均年龄= 8.9岁):16名注意力不集中的儿童和39名过动/冲动或合并ADHD亚型的儿童。通过Conners和SNAP-IV量表进行行为评估,结构化睡眠访谈和夜间视频PSG。结果:大多数儿童/父母报告晚上睡眠不稳,部分睡眠不足;抱怨是运动不安(50%),睡眠行走(47.6%),夜间恐怖(38%),情绪激动(28.5%),打(21.4%)和夜间与RLS相关的腿部不适(11.9%)。在多动症儿童和对照组之间,几乎所有研究的睡眠变量均存在显着差异(p值<0.05或<0.001)。国际RLS评分量表评分,睡眠中肢体周期性运动(PLMS)和苏醒(PLMW)指数,多动和对立分数以及ADHD亚型似乎相关。不同的睡眠障碍似乎解决了特定的ADHD表型,并与症状的严重程度相关,就像在过度活跃/冲动和合并的ADHD亚型中发生的睡眠相关运动障碍一样。此外,在我们的样本中,有52%的人还发现了慢波睡眠中唤醒过程的异常,从而可能导致SRBD引起的唤醒异常异常发生。结论:这项研究强调了机会,可以建议和促进纳入睡眠研究,可能通过视频PSG作为ADHD诊断筛查的一部分。该策略可以解决可能与儿童症状有关并导致ADHD严重程度的不同ADHD具体表型表达的诊断和治疗。



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